Monday, 20 May 2024

IF 2024 by AverageMansReviews

IF 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/transformation/burning/bodily functions/medical themes. Disclaimer; yes this film does not disclose their illnesses which I have to say is cowardly, I know what they have done here they have done it so that it is a growing up montage so that they don't have to verbally say cancer frankly it is a cop out, if you are going to use this illness respectful to anyone or everyone that has experienced it and say it, bunch of scaredy-cat and yes I am being incredibly restrained and speculation/valid point nonetheless; if they were trying to make it more palatable for children, if  that is the case, here is a great idea don’t have it in this film to begin with, make it less life-threatening [for now I will leave that there, because I will be discussing this again in following content/other content,] but if you have ever experienced cancer or known anyone or any dealing with cancer you know what you are looking for such as the bandanna or something of that equivalent whilst I am in the disclosure section I want to go on record by saying yes I will be remaining professional, but I hate this film with a passion [this will also be in the other content.]

I don't care if the certificate for this film is Universal this is not suitable for children: basically; Bea/Elizabeth [Younger portrayals: Audrey Hoffman/12-year-old: Cailey Fleming:] this young person has already lost her mother to cancer and in present times she could be losing her father to something life-threatening Dad [Writer/Director/one of the Producers John Krasinski/voice of Marshmallow:] he is as Dad is back in the hospital where he lost his wife/Bea's mother, with a unspecified illness, yes he does indicate as joke it is his heart, but just to cover my back I am sticking with unspecified so I can’t get it wrong or deemed as controlling the narrative without a shred of evidence. Whilst Bea stays with a family member she discover a whole new world and the organiser of that new world Cal [one of the Producers Ryan Reynolds:] his job is to find IFs [Imaginary Friends] new children to play with as their original children have grown up and have forgotten them.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 104 minutes film is jarring/triggering [I am not being woke here, sadly I have life experience,] let's just say in the imaginary realm the film is straightforward and just gets on with it.

Art, Action and comedy; from an artistic perspective this film can be very beautiful and engaging as just to mention a little bit of this sequence we have Cal pulling himself out of the picture to get himself back to this old persons home but for IFs, but by pulling himself out of the picture he takes on the artistic temperament of the picture; highly imaginative and incredibly clever and for the comedy for an example we have this giant Gummy Bear [voiced by Amy Schumer:] a giant red Gummy Bear, that in a interview typesetting lets off some wind.

Character developments, performances and voice performances; they are all good on all counts.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; now I need to clarify that this is a mixture between my opinion and also I am refusing to give this film my seal of approval, clearly just based on everything I have said in this content already. But I had to give a mark that reflected the positives I have made reference to, it should be noting that I am the person I watched some of this content with were discussing walking out, in fact a pair of parents took their child out as in walkout of this film and make this crystal clear no they didn’t return, I would recommend caution on taking your young family to see this film that is for sure. There is also one extra sequence after you see IF on the screen and then after the credits there is an extra scene.




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