Wednesday 10 April 2024

Recommendation of: NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Recommendation of: NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Full disclosure/Speculation: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical/blood. Full disclosure of course I know the results, but as you can clearly see I still watched this event and there will be some speculation in this content as well.

Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Champs The War Dogs: Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker; Tag Team Match for the NXT Tag Team Championships: a little while ago I did hear that they were going to give Bron his birthright name of Steiner, is this still the case? Because they didn't keep making reference to it on commentary, I don't mind, I am just wondering when or if they were going to give him this name. As for the wrestling, as you would expect we have a blender of agility and speed vs. strength and power and it delivers, so including the opening package to begin this event. This match/match slot receives: 9/10.

Dijak vs. Josh Briggs vs. Champ Oba Femi: Triple Threat Match for the NXT North American Championship: it does feel like there was a botch here where we have the commentary team putting over this match is being contested under triple threat rules which means the referee is here to do the count indicated by Victor Joseph. But we have the referee in forcing a pin attempt to be stopped based on Dijak's foot being on the ropes and yes commentary pick up on this; Wade Barrett makes reference to this. I would have taken a mark of for this, but to counterbalance this; we have a lot of hard-hitting wrestling. This match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Izzi Dame, Jacy Jayne, and Kiana James [with Jazmyn Nyx] vs. Chase University Thea Hail [Andre Chase, Duke Hudson & Riley Osborne,] Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan: Six-Woman Tag Team Match: at some point in this match the screen does go black, but don't worry it does come back momentarily. This match slot is as my marking would suggest positive, it is a quick paced and fun paste match, with the other bits surrounding this match slot [scripted segment before and eventually after it.] This match/match slot receives: 9/10.

Roxanne Perez vs. Champ Lyra Valkyria; Singles Match for the NXT Women's Championship: for this Mania weekend, I wouldn't have chosen this match outlay, to quickly cover my back you can be this match outlay at any other time throughout the year I just wouldn't do it here, just because on their equivalent of Mania you want a hard-fought contest and yes there is some good bits and pieces, but after taking everything into consideration including in my opinion sucking out the energy of this event, just for the record I know why they did it, it is to protect someone from the loss, but by doing this as I have already indicated it really sucked the energy out of this event. This match/match slot receives: 6/10.

The D'Angelo Family's: Tony D'Angelo [with Adriana Rizzo, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino] vs. Champ Ilja Dragunov; Singles Match for the NXT Championship: straight off the bat I have questions why have the entire family come out, surely it would have been better to have one or even none come out with him, as a baby face, you could say I am going to take care of business on my own or as a heel he could hey guys I have this [wink - as to put over if you see me getting into too much trouble you know what to do] and why are we having a similar wrestling injury angle as we have just had in the previous match slot, as I have just indicated previously you can do this kind of stuff and any time just not now. I am not enjoying watching these two spills to the outside over the ropes nearest the entrance [one each,] because they have them twice in quick succession I am confident in saying they are more than likely [I like to give myself some wiggle space in my speech] planned spots; but why? It also opens you up to the potential of unnecessary injuries and then we have the accidental [but accidental clothesline spot at the same time inside the ring,] I have seen many replays I think D'Angelo gets his clothesline in just in time, but it is difficult to tell [I was just thinking I would put this in place to cover my back,] we have Joseph referencing Angelo got him under the jaw, meanwhile on the actual replay as he is referencing this week and clearly see he takes a forearm shot to the face, I don't know if I have made this clear enough yet, I am really not enjoying this match. What a surprise after some head butts on the top turnbuckle on the bottom one closest to the commentary team both of these competitors spilled to the outside off the top turnbuckle again, this is complete garbage. Joseph makes a mistake with the competitors names but he also corrects himself, then we are on the outside again but this time this one makes sense, just to cover my back apologies if I have missed on occasion when they head out to outside of the ring, I think they have but I can't be sure and without giving too much away yes we have the option of interference, but it isn't taken so I have to ask again why is the family out here? And if they wanted to do this character/storyline wrinkle then it should only be in theory one member of the family. So things get stranger these two competitors help each other set up a table spot, then we have a collapsing reversal from power bomb attempt. For some strange reason the crowd are chanting this is awesome, I would disagree. Joseph put over on commentary there is a standing ovation, but based on my viewing it doesn't look like it, there probably is somewhere, but man this match slot is/was incredibly poor, to the point where the only thing it achieves is that; Angelo and the family have the potential of a good storyline and character performance incoming [this is speculation/mixed in with a tiny bit of evidence on my part] and the only reason this slot gets awarded another mark because of the bits and pieces after it as it. This match/match slot receives: 3/10.

Trick Williams vs. Carmelo Hayes; Singles Match: Joseph makes reference to the fact that this would be the first time that two African-Americans have headlined a NXT Premium Live Event. Let's be positive first; by its storyline and feud it should be in the main event slot and who is involved. But having seen this main event once again I find myself with questions; like why did the general manager Ava give the referee instructions to be lenient? When this is meant to be your main event so this Singles Match is a waste of time. Speculation I didn't get that there may be an escalation of a feud, but they could have started with something like Counts Full Anywhere Match and escalate things from there, I mean having the referee get involved at points just felt disjointed, you either go with a singles match as a singles match or something else, you can't blur the lines like this, because you open yourself up to when does a referee get involved or not. The match itself comes off as a very ordinary match, with a very quick wrap-up to this match and consequently event, speculation again as if they were running out of time on this event, yes I am aware of sometimes they put up the ending credit to then surprise people of extra footage but there is nothing here, it is only because of the hosts of this event announcing the attendance record the this match slot gets next to mark. This match/match slot: 7/10.

The average mark of this pay-per-view is: 7/10, it is a good thing that this event ends when it does, because as my marking would suggest of each section this event hits a brick wall and never recovers back to its lively nature from earlier on and whomever had the bright idea to have basically two injured champions, to cover my back again in kayfabe or not, I don't know; it is really lazy storytelling especially when their match slot of back-to-back; in my opinion I think somebody tried to use the equality card, but as I have already said it just comes off really lazy storytelling or coincidental mess up, let’s even when not try to do that again or if you really have to, make sure one happens during the match itself, so it somewhat disguises your intentions, basically let’s be a bit more creative shall we, I mean just off the top of my head you could have taken some footage of them working out or something and because they were pushing themselves too hard something suddenly goes, I mean they just took me not joking about a minute to think of and obviously whomever they are feuding with see is this as a weakness, including the character wrinkle of the heel hasn’t done anything wrong, they are just using this opportunity which has come up, which means they also have plausible deniability and that is how you get to where you want to be, without two match slots feeling and looking similar.







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