Friday, 19 April 2024

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 33: A Golden Homecoming by AverageMansReviews

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 33: A Golden Homecoming by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/transformation/robotics/shooting/short-circuiting

Help is on its way: Storyline, Action, Art and Character [Character developments;] Tommy has reached out to a friend for help, all he has to do is bring them to the Command Chamber without being detected from the Machine Empire and their forces but they ran out of cover so they had to run for it and for those smart people out there yes they could/can teleport them into the Command Chamber but they have to closer to do that. Which means we get to see this ethnic action sequence of events involving the Quadrafighters and then momentarily later the Cogs; the art is imaginative as for an example we have; this slow running sequence followed by the Quadrafighters firing and Tommy and this mystery individual running and jumping out of the way as the Quadrafighters return to base.

The transfer of power; the Gold Zeo Power Ranger which I can now reveal; his name is Trey of Triforia, but because of his latest battles with Borax he has splinted down into three different personalities; which his species can do; Trey of Courage, Trey of Heart and Trey of Wisdom, but in this form they cannot access  the Gold Zeo Power Ranger, so they need to transfer the power essentially on to a guardian whilst they pull themselves back together or lose the power forever.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; as you can guess by now the previous two episodes making this a trilogy has so much to offer that I couldn't bring everything up because that would break the outlay of this content, but what I can say is these three consecutive 10 out of 10 episodes were at no point in danger of getting anything less; they definitely went with the idea in miniature film approach with this trilogy of episodes.



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