Monday 19 February 2024

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 2017 12/02/2017 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 2017 12/02/2017 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

On rotation/Disclaimer/Just a heads up at one point I will just be saying it as it is: after this pay-per-view we are heading into WCW and full disclosure I wasn't planning to look at this pay-per-view, but the tragic passing of Wyndham Rotunda a.k.a. Bray Wyatt and his many forms on 24/08/2023 very much changed that and not forgetting also on this card we get to see Jonathan Huber a.k.a. Luke Harper in the WWE and Mr. Brodie Lee in All Elite Wrestling that has also tragically died on 26/12/2020 to I mean this respectfully I don't particularly want to do this pay-per-view, because I would prefer them to be still with us, but how things are I will do this to honour them and on a quick side note as this topic when this was first being dictated on Friday 06/10/2023 and tribalism seems to be a hot topic lately because it is getting out of hand. How can I put this nicely; you can shove your tribalism up your posterior, when it comes to; individually or together two good people losing their lives at relatively young ages Rotunda 36 and Lee 41 with life books left unwritten and their families, friends and anyone else left with a gaping hole and memories not created, it should put this so-called tribalism into perspective of in comparison a grain of salt; so I will finish this like this; “Follow the buzzards, ” "It's Friday. You know what that means" and let the lantern light your way members of The Wyatt Family, you may be gone but never forgotten.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Opening sequence to this pay-per-view: roughly; warning flashing effects can be seen at some point in this opening.

* Tom Phillips: Commentary does the welcoming to this pay-per-view

* Becky Lynch makes her entrance simultaneously Greg Hamilton: Ring announcer says stipulation and then introduces Becky Lynch, Tom Phillips: appears on-screen sitting behind the desk introducing his fellow commentators also on-screen likewise sitting behind the desk; John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Mauro Ranallo & David Otunga; I am sure everyone is going to be professional and they will be absolutely no problems [for those that cannot pick up soft sarcasm this would be a great example of it] and I may as well say from the very beginning I have decided to be very basic as it relates to what is being said by the commentary team because there is so much being said that it would take me a long time to get everything down, so yes I will miss out chunks, in short it is at my discretion.

* Becky Lynch still doing her entrance

* Tom Phillips: Commentary takes us back to a video package to how this match came to be basically.

* Becky Lynch still doing her entrance; now waiting for her opponent

* Greg Hamilton: Ring announcer complete his duties as it relates to the entrances, as Mickie James

* Tom Phillips: Commentary in a nutshell introduces us to other commentary teams; Spanish: Carlos Cabrera & Marcelo Rodríguez and then the commentary team; Germany: Tim Haber & Calvin Knie [they appear on-screen at different times]

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulation: "The Lass-kicker" Becky Lynch vs. Mickie James: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Slot Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Tom Phillips, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Mauro Ranallo & David Otunga 5/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 6/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 38/60 - this match/match slot is good.

Comments: now I can speak more freely; wow I promise you if this is how things are going to be in this pay-per-view, it is going to make this pay-per-view suck. Back then or sometime around here it has been well documented that Layfield really didn't like Ranallo; in fact I don't know if it was this time or another time or it could have been both times, I think I am pretty right in saying Ranallo eventually had to completely leave the WWE due to Layfield's behaviour at this it was encouraging his mental health, I am not defending anyone here but just to cover my back I need to say it was alleged. But having covered my back I can continue by saying, based on my viewing experience there wasn't anything alleged about it. It is undeniable that Layfield really has a big problem with Ranallo, as Ranallo in a nutshell makes a reference to Scooby Doo and then Layfield tells him to go and work for Cartoon Network.

As you can see they are sitting next to each other; Layfield very rarely picks up from what Ranallo has just said including a very blatant passive aggressive thing of saying the name who he wants to talk to; so he will go David and make it obvious there are two separate teams in effect here instead of a foursome, but as it goes for the wrestling it is a solid opening to this pay-per-view.

Basic Result: "The Lass-kicker" Becky Lynch is victorious.

Basic walk-through of this event:

 * John "Bradshaw" Layfield & David Otunga: Commentary talk about what they have just seen over replay with Becky Lynch's theme music Celtic Invasion [Entrance Theme]

* Tom Phillips: Commentary move things along to Carmella and James Elsworth appearing in a skybox handing things over to

* Dasha Fuentes: interviewer asks Carmella and James Elsworth for their opinion on what they have just seen.

* John "Bradshaw" Layfield & Tom Phillips: Commentary Layfield makes a reference of some description to that previous moment, with Phillips with Baron Corbin on-screen warming up for our main event with Phillips building it up.

* Greg Hamilton: Ring announcer saying stipulation and introducing Apollo Crews; in a nutshell commentary discuss how this match came to be and then Hamilton introduced his tag team partner Kalisto; but he was attacked by Dolph Ziggler; their opponent for this 2-on-1 Handicap Match with these referees trying to protect Kalisto from any more of a beat down/checking on him Crews come to check on his tag team partner;The commentary team are talking about this unravelling situation; in a nutshell this match begins one-on-one.

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