Saturday 10 February 2024

Cody Rhodes vs. the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns at Wrestle Mania 40/2024: I AM Out, yes I will still watch this match by AverageMansReviews

Cody Rhodes vs. the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns at Wrestle Mania 40/2024: I AM Out, yes I will still watch this match by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson vs. the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40/2024: There is no problem here Link

Warning/Disclaimer: there will be soft centred adult language used in this content and no I haven't seen this press conference but I think we can all assume I know what I need to know more or less.

Goal achieved: as I referenced in the related content Johnson and other members of the hierarchy have successfully switched the focus from Mr. McMahon and his saga to WrestleMania 40/2024 without too much damage; well that is if you see Ava [Johnson's real-life daughter receiving death threats on social media and consequently choosing to the activate her account] and Bayley not even getting a representation on the press conference] as little damage and a casualty of war, which is no surprise here I have a big problem with both of these situations. 99% of people do not deserve death threats, especially as something as trivial as wrestling, incidentally yes I have read Sami Zayn comments on this situation in a nutshell and paraphrasing; there are bigger things happening in the world.

Bayley deserves better; she has been working hard and when it is her time to have her moment on the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling, she gets completely disrespected in every single way possible.

For the record anyone send any of my children death threats; if I had any, there would be no way in hell I would fudgin' reward that behaviour, I would deliberately cancel it and reschedule it for the following year. I don't care if you think I am allowing my feelings to blind my judgement, no I don't do the feeling and emotional responses, I just have no time for death threats or anything of this level of behaviour; so even though I don't know these women I would like to apologise to them for completely being mistreated in their individual situations.

Whilst I am handing out apologies; I would like to hand one to the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins; because you have been there day in and day out to try and make this championship prestigious and you have been doing a great job, then you have the Undisputed WWE Champion Roman Reigns taking a shot at it; I know, I know it was designed for that exact purpose anyway but at least Rollins is trying to make something out of very little here.

Johnson's heel turn was embarrassing, considering he is 51 years old as of this content and he threw his toys out of the pram because Cody Rhodes; dare to tell the truth, because for some time now Reigns looks a weak champion. I would have had more respect for Johnson if he apologised to Rhodes about Reigns making comments about his family, but at the same time Reigns is my family and I have to stand by him that kind of angle, so Johnson will only apologise once and tell Rhodes to let go, so you could do a heel turn that way; you know something a little bit more in-depth and more mature and fitting for Johnson's age and consequently character. But having said that I can see Johnson turning on Reigns at the last minute to make sure that whatever takes place goes down fairly to hopefully set up Johnson vs. Reigns WrestleMania 41/2025.

But finally; for here and now we come to why I am out, when I say this I mean it in the sense of I will still be talking about it and potentially/ making content on it. It has nothing to do with the fact that they have taken the option they have; it has predominantly got to do with the social media toxicity from this almost past week and I just see it getting worse, actually the WWE are counting on it; it's like someone from their hierarchy has studied Andy Kaufman's work [I am not in Andy Kaufman expert far from it, I know a pinch here and a pinch there.] But what I do know is this; he was an expert getting people to be angry and I hope I am wrong, but I have a feeling this is where we are heading which in turn will make Rhodes is super babyfaces; if this goes how I see it going. I mean as I have said somewhere on social media today in some way I have lost interest in this, I know if you have been following me long enough I have already said this before. I am just not looking forward to possibly the next two months of getting toxic abuse if I say anything on social media; this last line is why I am out. I mean I am much more interested in NXT Stand & Deliver when it comes around on Saturday 06/03/2024 and I think my very last comment will split the age groups some of you won't agree with me yet you will either see where I am coming from or/agree with me. I just want to watch wrestling and enjoy it, keep the tribalism/toxicity to let's just say manageable to where it should be or less, I would prefer a less but it comes with the territory, I am okay with that, but not with the excessive toxicity

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