Saturday 27 January 2024

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: The Lawsuit; Grant, McMahon, John Laminitis and the WWE by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: The Lawsuit; Grant, McMahon, John Laminitis and the WWE by AverageMansReviews

Related Content: Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: The Wall Street Journal the new lawsuit against Mr McMahon, John Laminitis and the WWE filed by Janel Grant on Thursday 25/01/2024 Link

Warning: there will be references to real life and I have chosen to do things this way, simply based on the facts there is so much going on and I have so much other content to produce, so I will just some put things in bullet point form to somewhat speed this up a little.

Thursday 25/01/2024:

* Attorney Ann Challis representing Janel Gray had indicated that her client; spoke about accountability for those WWE executives that sexual assault and sexually trafficked my client, as well as the organisation that facilitated and turned a blind eye to the abuse and then swept under the rug. She is private and courageous, which has suffered deeply at the hands of Mr. McMahon and Mr. Laminitis, her client hopes with this lawsuit it prevents other women from being victimised. The organisation [WWE] is aware of Mr. McMahon's history depraved behaviour and its time that they took responsibility for misconduct for its leader.

* TKO: basically said Mr McMahon has no control over TKO, including there overseeing of the day-to-day running of WWE, whilst this matter predates our basically before they had anything to do with the WWE, they take Grant's horrific allegations very seriously and addressing this matter internally

* A representative for Mr. McMahon denies these claims calling this claim a vindictive distortion of the truth and he will defend himself vigourously

* Report that Brock Lesnar was scheduled to make an appearance tonight and WWE Royal Rumble, but has been pulled due to being indirectly described in this lawsuit.

* However TKO cannot fire Mr. McMahon, the only thing is he either resigns or they could have worked with him resigning

* Slim Jim's sponsorship pulled by Slim Jim

* Mr. McMahon tenders resignation

* Slim Jim's sponsorship put back [I don't know if it was Friday night or Saturday, but let's be fair to myself all I am trying to do is some form of chronological order.]

Saturday 27/01/2024:

* Grants' attorney appears on TV on Crime Fix; Grant was physically and mentally destroyed, what she alleges that Mr. McMahon had done to her and she goes on to say that basically her client felt cage and imprisoned, the escalation of things degradation [she went on to say other things as well including but not limited to Dallas was trying to get a trial together and she wants her life back.] But she went to read a released a statement by her client " That she hopes any doors of secrecy have been blown off their hinges and fresh air fills the headquarters, she hopes those at the company past and present who feared speaking out of harm is now a thing of the past, she wishes everyone peace."

* Mr. McMahon releases a statement: “I stand by my previous statement, Miss Grant's lawsuit is replete with liars, obscene made up incidents that never occurred and is a vindictive distortion of the truth, I intend to vigourously defend myself against these baseless accusations and look forward to clearing my name. Continuation "However I have respect for the WWE Universe, the extraordinary TKO business and board members, shareholders, partners and its constituents and all of the WWE employees and superstars that make the WWE into the global leader it is today, I have decided to resign executive chairmanship and the TKO board of directors effective immediately.

My opinions: I am going to be professional yet honest here and say I wish this happened under better circumstances because no one deserves what Grant is alleging. But I have been waiting and waiting for Mr. McMahon to finally crash and burn, yes now and again I hear stories of his kindness, but that does not anywhere cover the other 80% of misery he has brought to others in some way or another. So it is very rare that I get on the bandwagon, you should indicate to you that this individual [me] I am not easily swayed, so what Grant is alleging is probably a true reflection as her descriptions of events and seen plausible and detailed, I should go on the record by saying I'm not here to discredit her, I'm just saying her evidence provided so far is strong and solid. But back to wrestling kind of Mr McMahon does not care about the WWE or its universe, all he cares about is money and power as some of us would remember used to make creative decisions to entertain one person himself and there have been other previous cases against Mr. McMahon for this behaviour but he has simply paid them off as in a settlement. I will finish this content on a wrestling murmur online that it has been suggested that people would like Stephanie McMahon back within the company, I say if it makes the wrestling more comfortable to see a familiar face and a person that has been around wrestling, being in a position of a higher up so be it meaning I would be for that and maybe give her a partial on-screen role now and again as in anything big announcements we see Stephanie McMahon.

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