Friday 26 January 2024

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: The Wall Street Journal the new lawsuit against Mr McMahon, John Laminitis and the WWE filed by Janel Grant on Thursday 25/01/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: The Wall Street Journal the new lawsuit against Mr McMahon, John Laminitis and the WWE filed by Janel Grant on Thursday 25/01/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Warning: there will be adult content/references and unpleasantness at one point or another, I just want to go on the record by saying I feel really uncomfortable producing this content, there is a special place in hell for those such as Mr McMahon and the others that were involved in this situation. I mean everyone knows as a person I really despise the man and this was before listening to this content and I will be discussing other things relating to this topic as well. Just to cover my back I won't bring up everything, it isn't down to myself distorting the facts let's just say it gives me a small option to perhaps make reference to something softly and no not to protect him or others, but just so that I know what content I put out is safe to view even though if you read between the lines it indicates something darker as to give you the full disclosure I have heard two versions of these events; the first one was raw, no pun absolutely not intended yet the second one is let's just say factual based without too much graphic detail, so depending where you go searching is depending what type of version of events you will get, I am absolutely not discrediting anyone, I'm just saying that like myself there are other content creators that still tell you the truth, they just choose to be sensitive and not tell you everything little in this case discussed in detail

Well let's just start: so let's start on an obvious question; who is Janel Grant? She is someone that lived in the same apartment building as Mr. McMahon, she needed a job, Mr. McMahon made promises to get her a job with the WWE [in the legal department.] But when they were meant to have meetings on the job role, he opened the door to her in his underwear and repeatedly asked for hugs, then he pressured to her into sexual activities in turn for employment, she was warned to stay quiet on their interactions. I wonder why? Is it because this was wrong on so many different levels having a 78-year-old man clearly I'm going to be honest here; clearly and willingly intimidating and abusing his position of power; it is almost like honestly he should have a psychological evaluation, because he is not fit to be in the public domain.

But I digress; it was alleged that Grant stressed concern about her job role as she felt it was not earned. But Mr. McMahon told her it just has to look legit, Grant alleges that her colleagues complained that they basically had lots of work and she didn't have much to do. Then we have Mr. McMahon sending her sexually explicit texts, Mr. McMahon's sexual demands/appetite grew including but not limited to sexual toys and naming them after wrestlers, Grant also alleges that she complained and made attempts to end the relationship. But sadly she came to Mr. McMahon expected the physical relationship as a part of her employment, Mr. McMahon refused saying that it was not ending, it didn't need to end and he didn't ever envision ending. Grant then alleges that at WWE headquarters she was locked in a room and Mr. McMahon and a executive took turns sexually assaulting her, there were other situations of sexual assault of June 2021 Mr. McMahon sent her 115,000 Bloomingdale card vouchers/gift cards. The suit also has in its possession a text from Mr. Mr McMahon says I'm the one that owns you and controls you. Grant also alleges Mr. McMahon would share this explicit content with other WWE employees, unnamed executive and WWE superstars as well as people outside of the company, including a series of texts bragging on showing these two WWE employees in the technical department and offering her up to them for sexual favours in July of 2021.

Now as I haven't spoken freely for some time I was thinking I would take a break from this despicable turn of events and ask one important question and that is; so far does it sound like someone [Mr. McMahon;] that you want to defend? Because even though it is roughly early days, I am already starting to see people put on social media; disgusting things like and I am paraphrasing here but you get the sentiment; the woman wants to get money or/and reflecting things off Mr. McMahon and talking about AEW, Tony Khan and Chris Jericho.

This lawsuit is so serious that I will not use softer or any adult language references; I would just use clean plain old English because this situation needs to be dealt with seriously and sensibly. But having said that like I have already said once so far shut up and grow up as they tried to make a reflecting comment about TK and Chris Jericho, including before this pointing out that someone on social media that announced after today they won't be talking about Mr. McMahon because it would be in the courts and I just pointed out, well something to the effect of shame you don't take that same approach with AEW, meaning this individual spends every day to discrediting AEW, but as soon as the WWE/Mr. McMahon does something wrong again, this individual quickly announces that basically they are having nothing more to do with this subject, at least I can say I criticise both WWE and AEW when it is appropriate. Hypothetically and I do stress hypothetically if anyone else I don't care what promotion you are from, if you do anything like Mr. McMahon and genuine evidence to support your claims, like myself and I don't speak for anyone else, but I am sure I would get most of you agreeing with me, we will deal with you in the same professional manner so this is not the time for tribalism in fact actually it is the perfect time for tribalism in the sense of all the different types should come together and say for now, I don't like you and you don't like me [if you want to be that way,] but for now stand together and say no more Mr. McMahon [Breaking News! Mr. McMahon has Resigned!]

I will continue with this content for now back to work; by the suit claims by November 2019 Grant was showing signs of migraines, weight loss, hair loss rashes, sleep disruption, dizziness, and exhaustion. She went to her doctor which hold her it was trauma, I'm not a doctor but I would agree with this assessment. But Mr. McMahon disagreed with allegedly saying roughly trauma my posterior [full disclosure again I have changed one word and not the sentiment.] Which Mr. McMahon sent her to a celebrity Doctor and he paid for all of her treatment and so on.

Those that Mr McMahon showed and shared the explicit content with encouraged them to share it with their friends, including a former WWE referee which Mr McMahon reassured Grant that the referee in question had loyalty to him. It gets worse the suit alleges that Grant was moved to work in talent relations office under Laminitis [at the time the Head of Talent] which she was instructed by Mr. McMahon to have the morning intercourse with Laminitis; it was described as breakfast for Laminitis, in the same month these two individuals sexually assaulted Grant the suit alleges with a continuing that Mr McMahon controlled her professional and personal life subjecting her to degradation.

Then you think it couldn't get any worse well there is a massive bombshell coming in quick summary the suit alleges that she was used as a bargaining chip to get a WWE talent to re-sign with the company Grant had to make personalised content for this individual; now I need to stress this in big capital letters the suit indicates a WWE and UFC Heavyweight Champion, but does not say his name but it does indicate people familiar with this would identify this individual, which could only be one person Brock Lesnar. On signing his latest contract one of the things was I'm going to rephrase Mr. McMahon text to Grant he gets to have sex with you.

Now on a connecting subject but on a side note; I would have no idea why if it is Lesnar would want to do this? For the younger wrestling fans he has a beautiful wife at home that put this politely why would you want to go anywhere else? Her WWF/WWE ring name is/was Sable and even though she is older as we all are, you still wouldn't go anywhere else. Lesnar returned at WWE SummerSlam 2021 which also includes getting a spare mobile to send to this individual sexual degrading content, they wanted to set a play date but it didn't materialise due to snow at the time. The suit claims that Mr. McMahon subjected Grant to acts of cruelty and degradation to disassociate or/and become numb in order to survive the horrific encounters.

It couldn't get any worse, but yes it could in January 2022 Linda McMahon; yes Mr McMahon has a wife, then Grant was released/let go by the WWE and forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement, with the inclusion of if she'd said anything reputation ruin including sexual/pornographic material that Mr. McMahon had of her, allegedly Mr. McMahon paid her $1 million in February as part of this nondisclosure agreement, but then stopped making payments, which in turn broke the nondisclosure agreement, which is how Grant is now allowed to file this lawsuit, very finally the lawsuit alleges that even after signing the nondisclosure agreement in February, in March Mr. McMahon attempted to traffic Grant an unnamed WWE star at a WWE event in New York, she was instructed to send the individual explicit texts, but did not meet.

Grant's name was not put out there by the Wall Street Journal, it was released by Brian Sheppard, he got it apparently from a WWE source [it has been indicated in the lawsuit that this is in a inverted intimidating tactics used by the WWE.]

There was a special committee to deal with other payments and so on and so forth basically of shady behaviour by Mr McMahon. But as it relates to this particular situation Grant's suit has said that she was never contacted even though she would be very cooperative and share any evidence, but all they did was shift the focus from Mr. McMahon abuse and focused on where the money was coming from, the suit also alleges that there are those within WWE that actively worked to cover up any wrongdoing, so this investigation was a sham.

In a nutshell; Mr. McMahon has denied these allegations [I will put their statement in the follow-up content, so I'm not withholding anything as in the breaking news, I want to leave Grant alone or at the best they can to focus on Mr. McMahon, because as I will make reference to in my last section of this content Grant is not in the best place] and Lesnar has been pulled from appearing at today's WWE Royal Rumble [based on the indirect link to this situation] and TKO have basically said something to the attempt to this predates our relationship, but we take Grant's horrific allegations very seriously and are dealing with them internally.

To finish this content of; I should point out that Grant's now suffering from physical and mental including PTSD and suicidal ideation, so before you say anything unpleasant about this individual, I want you to keep in mind that any form of mental health or physical restriction is life changing I should know as I have brain damage and a mental health illness on top, so all I am saying is if you can take the high road on your comments and anything other.







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