Wednesday 17 January 2024

Deonna Purrazzo Body Shaming in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Deonna Purrazzo Body Shaming in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Disclaimer/Warning adult references will be made and an uncomfortable reality check: I am just saying this to cover my back and nothing more, I haven't seen any comments of body shaming, as it relates to this situation. But I am not here to disprove that, I am simply covering my back for future reference and if you have been following me long enough, I have strong opinions on body shaming and I try not to do it myself, I have said in my history that; this or that wrestler looks out of wrestling shape and when pushed I have said well I am paraphrasing here; you aren't much of a look yourself, the key wording here is; when pushed which means they instigated it.

There is nothing wrong with Deonna Purrazzo: even though I haven't seen these body shaming comments; I have seen the picture in question; where she does have a fully shaped tasty figure and putting to one side that she is married, a fully grown person would not say no to her and for those that are partaking in this behaviour, let's be honest the majority of you spend every day spreading tribalism [yes I did for a little while as it was funny that the WWE/NXT didn't see AEW: Dynamite as a threat and including now as a what I am aware of Mr. McMahon is not in or if at all a position of power,] I have calmed down a lot. But I digress most of you spend days chronically masturbating behind your computer screens over the toxicity you are spreading. You see I don't care if I get some form of backlash for this, because unfortunately I have gotten used to all kinds of insults, including but not limited to  body shaming; what with having brain damage and separately a mental illness I have to put up with a lot of garbage, because people think it is acceptable and or it isn't body shaming what they are doing, newsflash as soon as you bring up an element of somebody's body and it has negative connotations attached to it than guess what that is body shaming.

Here comes the uncomfortable reality check; I am not saying or indicating that this will happen in this case here, but the uncomfortable reality is why would anyone knowingly and willingly and potentially contribute to someone else's downfall in any capacity whatsoever, I mean I have to face it on almost a daily basis and I can't help having a disability and a mental illness on top, so for someone like myself this is normal [ I am not stupid I know this is not normal] and for those people that are either thinking or saying you don't have put up with it or stand up for yourself. Generally speaking anyone in my position knows after a certain age how and when to pick their battles, you can't spend all day every day fighting, because you will burn out, so leave Deonna Purrazzo alone, I mean if you want to do something which is much harder in this technological era, go and leave her a pleasant message

But to leave this content on a positive; the vast majority of people like a fully rounded figure anyway; good for cuddles amongst other things, personally I like people that like their food.

Additional: someone has now provided me with some of the bodies shaming comments; they are not needed and I wonder if they would have had enough grapefruits to say it to her face, instead of sitting behind their computer screens, leading their pathetic lives? Probably not their grapefruits would shrivel up into little raisins, so if you don't have enough grapefruits to say it to her face or to anyone says, don't be a coward and put it online.



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