Friday 13 October 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Tuesday 10/10/2023 face-off with NXT and AEW: Dynamite Title Tuesday by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Tuesday 10/10/2023 face-off with NXT and AEW: Dynamite Title Tuesday by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: I will just be saying it as it is the so in a wrestling sense you can consider this content a pipe bomb [for those that don't know what this basically means; it means breaking kayfabe - character and being real] and yes I don't allow direct adult language in my content, but if you have been with me long enough you know I can work around that. Full disclosure I haven't seen at least one of these shows yet when this content was first created, but in fairness and balance that is beside the point.

Let's begin shall we: as far as I'm concerned both promotions failed on Tuesday 10/10/2023, with WWE NXT having 921,000 viewers and AEW: Dynamite Title Tuesday having 609,000 viewers with NXT having a 0.30 and AEW having a 0.26 in the key 18 to 49 demographic.

Now just to cover my back, because I know how much people like to do their homework on a social media platform; yes I am roughly quoted him saying predicting NXT 1 million-1.2 million and AEW 800,000-920,000. But and this has nothing to do with tribalism; if I was NXT I would be absolutely disappointed yes you beat AEW but at what cost meaning you had a stacked card of big names such as John Cena, The Undertaker and many others yet you still couldn't get the job done as in 1,000,000+ viewers and really established your dominance. I mean yes they were dominant, but on a grand scale I would say they did the basics of being dominant essentially getting a win and going home that is all they achieved.

I mean on the AEW side of things I would be also disappointed that only having 609,000 views once again this has nothing to do with tribalism [even though in essence that is what I am doing] if I had to pick a side to be on which I do lean slightly more to the AEW side of things, I would be looking at the silver lining that we put on our sometimes yet usual special event episodes and on one hand they had to bring out their big guns, but we got a 0.26 in a key demographic so yes we can do better and also disappointed. They [NXT] had all of these big names and they could only get 0.30, so yes be disappointed but not too disappointed; even find it slightly comical and move on, because I am not sugarcoating it for AEW, but being realistic they will bounce back next week, meanwhile and I like NXT, I just don't have time to watch it [I am busy creating content] but you can perhaps wipe off and I am being optimistic because I want both promotions to do well, maybe 121,000 from next week's viewers which before I receive some kind of backlash 800,000 is still good, which I have just realised for all of these big names that figure of perhaps 121,000 extra viewers looks much smaller.

But we move on; I am actually getting fed up seriously fed up with the toxic tribalism of what I have experienced yet again which is very little in the grand scheme of things from am guessing the WWE and those of that persuasion. You need to learn and quick that A. The WWE aren't perfect and for you to have that outlook is very disturbing, I mean I know AEW aren't perfect and even though I am of their persuasion I have criticised them for it when it is appropriate. B. It is okay for other people and this is more of a life lesson than just wrestling, it is okay for people to have a difference of opinion; like yesterday someone pointed out in a post that basically Adam Copeland, Christian Cage and Bryan Danielson were all of a certain age; so I just pointed out that Brock Lesnar, Cena and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson have all recently appeared for the WWE. My point being and my only point being and not defending was those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones [I guess it also doesn't help that I am British so we know how to be sarcastically witty and no I am not being arrogant it is just a part of the British culture to be witty and sarcastic.] C. Let's be honest it is fudging disturbing that these people will sit there all day every day disrespecting something like AEW, which is absolutely no choice, but from my perspective and someone that has a genuine mental health illness can I just point out it is not healthy for you to be this angry or/frustrated all the time. I mean there was a point where I was done with the WWE I was slowly finding it hard and hard work and if you were around back then I will be brief but incredibly real not by choice but by the fact when the WWE was doing this whole Dean Ambrose [just before leaving the WWE and going to All Elite Wrestling as Jon MoxleyIn 2019] and Seth Rollins storyline about Roman Reigns leukaemia battle in real life that is when I drew the line.

I mean I don't trust the WWE with any form of sensitive storyline even if it was okayed by Roman Reigns [probably/but to cover my back speculation on my part] so it is/was completely up to him. Like it is like watching déjà vu all over again I feel really uncomfortable what they are doing or starting to do with Brian Pillman Jr./Lexi King if you haven't seen the vignettes or one in particular so far where it is just a case of disrespecting the memory of his father Brian Pillman Sr./Flyin' Bryan and I am sure it has been okayed by junior. But I can guarantee you this just isn't going to go down too well, because senior was and is a beloved individual that gave way too much to the business I know wrestlers give a lot of themselves to this business. But there are those that give a bit too much of themselves to the business for an example of Mick Foley is another individual I am not disrespecting Mick Foley just being honest that he gave too much I respect him but let's be honest he gave too much.

Junior is just going to receive toxic levels of heat I am predicting if they go the way I see it going they may as well repackage him right now, because he will get go away heat.

Conversely on the AEW side of things; I wish the WWE would learn something from AEW where they are having the storyline of what I have heard but not seen yet of this Jewish storyline and as MJF is Jewish and in control of this storyline as in it is his story to tell and it basically being of the outlay of awareness/educational it is much more palatable; so I support MJF and I really don't understand the criticism from other people as it relates to the backlash of this content as May I just remind you MJF is Jewish so here's entitled to use his religion/historic background if and when he so wishes. I have to be honest I do find this slightly sarcastically comical on one hand we have the WWE/NXT exploiting and yes it may be okayed by Junior but in bad taste yet we have MJF a Jewish person/wrestler putting out something of awareness/educational value and this is what people are having an outcry about.

D. I don't want to hear about, which I have already heard comments of; I am paraphrasing here there have been other sports going on at the same time or something to that effect. I don't care if the WWE/NXT want to play ratings warfare and they bring out as I have already indicated these big guns and then they misfire as do not even get at minimum 1 million viewers I would class them as embarrassing and connecting to this point it shows that they can't trust the young wrestlers to basically go to war for them, Oh yes I remember now they tried that once with the Wednesday Night Wars and they consistently got beaten by AEW: Dynamite. On reflection the more time I spend thinking about this whole situation, the more I am thinking that it looks worse on the WWE/NXT as they can't just seem to get the job done. Once again I am not sugarcoating it for AEW and this is not tribalism here because 609,000 viewers is generally speaking not what you want to see but speaking of business; business; business I know a little about TV and besides the TV ratings I know everyone from a financial perspective is focused on the demographics specifically the key demographic of 18-49 so on this side of things it looks more than reasonable for AEW.

E. I think we can all agree and this is one of those rare occasions where I can say if you don't at the very least find some kind of agreement in my final point you are fudging stupid but the last thing we need is there ever to be one major promotion in town monopolising the wrestling industry again. Because for those that had to live through it; it was the most darkest days of wrestling history and I would very much not to ever be reliving that again and get this through your thick heads if you strongly believe in wrestling tribalism on Tuesday night roughly speaking over 1.5 million people watched wrestling; which means wrestling won; we all won.


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