Saturday 28 October 2023

If NXT are not careful things could go badly for Lexis King 2023 by AverageMansReviews

If NXT are not careful things could go badly for Lexis King 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Disclaimer: I am just going to say things as they are; but I will use creative ways to tone it down and disclaimer this has nothing, I will repeat that nothing to do with tribalism and finally I have never been likely to be a professional wrestler.

Brian Pillman Jr. came to the WWE/NXT to do this garbage?: Straight off the bat I have no problem with Brian Pillman Jr. now known as Lexis King within NXT/WWE leaving AEW for the land of WWE, but I have a massive problem with his entire character and current direction. Newsflash I really don't give two dumplings if he gave the WWE/NXT permission to do this whole current character hatred for living in his father's shadow [Brian Pillman Sr.] and never living up to it; so instead I am just going to take a dump on it and milk it for all it's worth. I mean when I saw one of the vignettes involving Sr. I was already beginning to stress concern but on seeing his debut online including just now watching his debut match at NXT Halloween Havoc Night 1 Tuesday 24/10/2023 I can now confirm that it was everything I was absolutely dreading.

I mean I hope I am wrong, but as I have been around wrestling for quite a few years since the late 1980's these heel character types don't have a long shelf life, especially when it isn't focusing on the individual, but the legacy of the individual in question. So what usually happens is; eventually the crowd will turn on this individual and garner go away heat. Especially in cases like these where they are taking a massive dump on the legacy of a legendary wrestler/character of their previous generation of their family in Sr. that is/was beloved.

In all honesty; I do feel like a bit of a idiot now, because Jr. in a debut always came across in AEW as someone like you know; I am aware of my background, but I want to do this wrestling thing as Brian Pillman Jr. having some similarities to my father and likewise making some references to my father, but on the whole standing on my own two feet.

But in NXT it couldn't be much more different even if they tried; as he has left the whole hard work and effort to be an individual to stand by himself he has chosen the seemingly quicker and easier way and that is to ironically live in his father's shadow by bringing him up every time [so far.]

I mean is extended [using the ring ropes] very similar to Randy Orton's DDT but very similar to a neck breaker finisher needs a lot of work or/better yet come up with something much better; because I just don't like it, it looks cheap and tacky and absolutely pointless.

Actually on reflection; he looks green as this here has gone backwards in his development, I know his appearances on AEW TV programming were rare, but he looked much more of a solid looking wrestler; it looks like he has just conformed to the WWE style of wrestling 101; so on one hand I hope everything turns out all right for him, whilst on the other hand; I was thinking I would just create this content just in case it goes as I think it will go to point out that I stressed earlier on these problems; you know what I mean when you have somebody going "I can see that happening" whilst you have the other person going "It is easy to say that in hindsight." But finally back onto his debut match/match slot I fear that that this persona is here to stay as we have both Vic Joseph and Booker T basically reinforcing them and yes I know it is his debut services to be expected, but for me it just has that smell of this character isn't going to last too long before it garners some form of go away heat as I have already stated.

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