Sunday 29 October 2023

All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 25/10/2023 & its possible landscape shift by AverageMansReviews

All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 25/10/2023 & its possible landscape shift by AverageMansReviews

Warning Disclaimer: some of this content will be based on opinion/speculation makes it with fact. Full disclosure; I am roughly aware of what is happening with this promotion I just haven't watched up to date content on TV just based on time, I am still watching it in chronological order, so I will get there eventually, yes I am very much aware that the time I get there; there will be new/old content to watch.

What is happening with All Elite Wrestling?: Now as I have seen online as it relates to Wednesday 25/10/2023 episode of AEW: Dynamite. I will discuss the fact first; Tony Khan could be just getting these big names in to inflate his TV figures, because their TV deal is going to be up for negotiation soon, which this is also a tactic that the WWF/WWE has used also.

Now having said that we enter into speculation/my opinion; I had been thinking about this for some time; but I am discussing it now based on if this is an indication of what is going to happen we got a clear indication of that here from this past week; which I could be completely wrong, but if they do this properly I know it works because the WWF/WWE as in the WWF era did this all the time. In theory they put a younger talent with an older talent in some way be it wrestler or/and manager to give them credibility as in subliminally they are associated with this individual that they must be worth investing in. So when it was time to put them in the main event slots they were already made products, which if given more time as in years upon years, this becomes a very fruitful circle of life and in hindsight I have just realised they could be trying to make the  AEW International Championship into their equivalent of the WWE Intercontinental Championship and for the younger generations back in this time period of the WWF; they made the WWF Intercontinental Championship vitally important, if you basically won this championship you were being groomed for the main event picture.

If any of this speculation/opinion turns out to be true; Khan needs to know about the pitfalls; if he is seriously considering this; he even believes in it or he doesn't do it, there is no half measures, he can slow down and keep plates spinning [like the WWF were masterful at doing this at one point in history for such a long time.] Even though I haven't watched it yet, as I have been transparent I have watched other people's content and without me actually seeing it I know what happened to the ratings drop of this episode of Dynamite Khan made this episode top-heavy which basically means in this case; he put his hottest talent on first in the AEW World Champion in MJF and connecting characters and after that people began to switch off or switch over because maybe or possibly they had the idea that they weren't going to see MJF anymore which is also compounded by of what I have heard he didn't as in Khan didn't have the right balance of the old guard with AEW originals/or the younger talent [on a quick side note; it is never a good idea to go away from the talent that brought you to the dance in the first place regardless of gender]/or the women's division yet again for I think the third time taking one step forward and then 10 steps backwards, which is unacceptable especially as I have already made reference to this is roughly the third time I am making reference to the women getting badly treated. I mean okay for the first time; you had to focus on the first-ever Forbidden Door, so I will give you that one just once [as it is a learning curve] but for the second and third time by my count it is now reaching unacceptable levels.

But I digress; as I discussed earlier the WWF were masterful at keeping plates spinning, so it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have gaps in the storyline from the perspective of maybe having a break from the storyline for a week or you know I have interviewed segments basically uses a variety in your stories including just giving it a week to breathe, so you can focus on other things and the final pitfall is; as I have already said in a roundabout way; Khan either believes in this way of doing things or if he doesn't don't do it. The reason why I have brought this up again is to make this very valid point; the WWF/WWE pulled the plug on this conveyor belt of talent way of doing things, where instead of putting over younger talent, Mr McMahon chose to stay with the present talent which soon became older talent which then became very old talent and as there was not anyone coming up behind them to basically replace them; we all know what happened; the most insufferable period of the WWF/WWE in its history.


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