Sunday 24 September 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: WWE Release Matt Riddle 22/09/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: WWE Release Matt Riddle 22/09/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Disclaimer: it is never good at someone loses their job, but now I have said this I can move on with this content, I know I am not or will ever be a professional wrestler [you will see later where this comes into play in this content] and there will be references to marijuana in this content as well

I can see why the WWE have come to this decision: I am just being neutral here, because as everyone should know by now or the people that view my content long enough to know, I don't like how the WWE hierarchy as long as there is one Mr. McMahon in the mix or anywhere near physically or legally anywhere near the WWE.

I am generally speaking here; regardless of any stories that are true or false surrounding him at any time be it in his past or present it has been reported that he eventually just burnt through too many chances and I would have to agree with that assessment. He never seemed to really be able to keep out of at the very least allegations of this or that consequently bad press and I should just point out it is up to him how he wants to live his life, but from a WWE prospective you are a commodity and wants your negatives exceed your positives or usefulness you are cut loose.

I really did not like his gimmick either: meaning I got it and understood it, but once the fact that the novelty is he likes partaking in marijuana be it in real life or kayfabe, consequently he is a stone head that does combat/wrestling barefoot [just to cover my back I have done some research and yes if you don't know he likes partaking in marijuana and even though I am not a prude and not a professional wrestler there is no way in hell I would wrestle anyone under any foreign substances that are not medically approved, yes absolutely if I am going to put my life in somebody else's hands I want them to knowingly have all their faculties working, yes they could do it days beforehand and I am very much aware it is still in your system, but the night previous is just too close for me.] For me his gimmick very quickly became tiresome and he can do the wrestling thing, but I could never see him getting past the mid-card, I just realised who Riddle reminds me of based on their ring attire and it is very slightly like John Cena; they should have been put in a tag team and called Hustler & Stoner.

Matt Riddle to All Elite Wrestling?: My opinion and not speculation or confirmation: simply put hell to the no. As someone that likes AEW, how can I put this nicely; we don't/they don't need any more drama, we are pretty fine on that side of things thanks, actually it would be nice if they could just calm the drama down a bit, I have been around wrestling for many years at this point, so I know there is always some kind of drama backstage in some capacity. But I would like it to calm down just a couple of notches for a little while and I want to make this crystal clear right now so hopefully I don't have to make reference to it later; if Tony Khan does decide to get out his cheque-book and bring Riddle in I will be fuming, because I am getting the feeling of déjà vu here, the last time I didn't want a wrestler/mixed martial artist in AEW in Mr. CM Punk Mr. Tony Khan went out and got him and everyone knows how well that turned out.



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