Thursday 28 September 2023

Average Extra of: Ava Santina vs. Lawrence Fox and Dan Wootton the week of 25/08/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Ava Santina vs. Lawrence Fox and Dan Wootton the week of 25/08/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Disclaimer/Warning: I will be coming from a neutral perspective or roughly a neutral perspective and I will be frankly honest straight off the bat this triangle deserve everything they are going to get or have gotten, I will keep this text dictated like this so it is in no question I am neutral and I don't have to repeat myself, out of courtesy I will give you a warning I will be discussing things that are possibly really uncomfortable for you to read.

Let's begin on something comical: I wasn't even meant to do this content today; because I have so much other content such as wrestling to do, but this is important and I should point out I am not triggered by this situation, more like an old man that has been around for a long time as of this content I am heading towards 41 years old.

Background on this saga so far, roughly: earlier this week Ava Santina dismissed idea of a minister for males mental health, including going on Piers Morgan Live and basically referenced young boys as young as five should be afraid of women and touching them and so on and so forth which the rest of the panel including Morgan were [I don't want to dramatise this] so I will just say they were not on board with this sentiment and Morgan said that might be a part of the problem as well. Then Dan Wootton Tonight where Lawrence Fox was absolutely brutal in the discussing her; Wootton was very much in a facilitating this outburst. Consequently Santina has been milking this situation ever since, I feel absolutely comfortable saying milking this situation ever since, by going on different news topical programmes by on the Morgan Show, including radio discussing it,  she is hardly innocent as I have seen some of her comments on social media, because I am streetsmart and I come from the generation of if you put it out there, you should take it as well and yes GB News has suspended both of its presenters; Wootton has apologised to her [I think that is debatable meaning I have heard enough sound evidence to suggest it was not sincere] and Fox has not apologised and stands by what he said.

I don't think people such as this trio fully understand the consequences of their actions or/and comments: but the sad reality is I do; for at least well over two decades now I have been on the receiving end of this feminist movement and yes before anyone else says it [I know I am not the only one,] but however I am an easy target; because I am in a wheelchair with a mental health illness on top and on a quick side note on top of that because of the UK Government in particular and especially because of the Referendum of Brexit it 2016 we have been dehumanised [you see it wasn't just the different nationalities that got abused in some fashion, it was also the section of society that couldn't fight back as well.]

I mean things were far from brilliant before this, but there was some kind of safeguard in society where it was consistent abuse in the real world or online as well, but the consequences of the 2016 decision, it was like the floodgates of were opened and it was a completely different level of abuse everywhere and sadly it has became acceptable.

This is what I have to put up with in my life [a rough list:]

* Being painted as every other man; even though I have spent the majority of my life single I get painted with the same brush; as it relates to sex [even though I have had about a week of it in my life,] the potential of sexually assaulting somebody, even though my body being polite is too far gone to physically do that and because I am an honest individual I have said to women that have told me you may sexually assault me. Yes after implying that I might sexually assault this individual, you are absolutely correct I am angry so of course I will say something such as I wish they had that ability, so I could put it to better used such as playing football or learning how to play American football, so let me make this 100% transparent in case people are getting confused I wouldn't  sexual assault anyone if I had even if I did have the ability to do so.

* Being body shamed; being told I am not good-looking, I would go out with you if it wasn't because of the wheelchair or/and the mental health [they would like me not to be on any form of medication,] you are aware that this is definitely on the level of discrimination/prejudiced views, that for an excellent example if I was to say the N word, I would be cancelled straight away and yes in the eyes of UK law I don't have the same kind of protection as if someone called me a spastic, basically dropping one word is a criminal matter whilst the second is a civil matter as things stand, having not the right size genitals. They have the audacity to believe that this is not body shaming they disguise it as personal choice. I am not being arrogant, but as I have made reference to I am streetsmart, so yes I have tried putting the shoe on the other foot and giving them a taste of their own medicine, within a couple of moments I was basically told I was body shaming and just for the record you could be any shape, any ethnic background or anything of anything I don't mind.

* Financial situation; yes I even have questions about my financial situation.

* People not treating me as a person; people talk for me, yes if you are one of those people that do that kind of thing to other disabled or ill people I can reassure you, we know what you're doing. People generally making things really difficult for me, including but not limited to asking a woman out for a coffee as a friend and yes I literally put the word friend in the text or in conversation so there is no form of dating or sex involved consequently some women have ghosted me and haven't talked to me since or some just ghost me for a week or so or some, just talk to me as a child as they don't have time for it right now. I wish people wouldn't think of me as an idiot, because I am very much aware and seen other friends either get instant texts back or confirmation they will meet up with them or they can tell me that sex isn't everything, but keep in mind I pay attention, the same person telling me  this could have just had sex at the weekend [how do I know because they tell me all let it slip] meanwhile I haven't had sex or any form of it physically in about 15 years.

* The long-term affects; of everything I have listed is; my mental health has stabilised at a higher level; I know where I stand or sit with women meaning I know my place, most of the time I have to keep my head down-ish to not even attempt to look past their chest area even though I have to look past it to look when they are talking to me, I understand and made peace with the fact that I probably won't be in a relationship again, I am far from happy about this. Because in my head I have already worked out the possibility of me dating an individual and if you haven't guessed by now it is a massive step for me to ask a friend out for a coffee, in my head I also have a system I am afraid of women, I get weird not dangerously weird but you can tell that with most women I am wanting to politely touched on and they might want me to, I just can't do it because in my head, I am thinking about the consequences of if this goes wrong and obviously physically and sexually I struggle, even if I was to go on to an adult website I get lots of abuse including but not limited to encouragement on committing suicide [if I was in a relationship I wouldn't entertain these websites, because I have used adult websites since I was 18 off and on when I have been single and if you are thinking there are dating websites; they cost money I don't have to waste or/and as soon as they find out I am disabled they run away] and it isn't any surprise to me that sometimes I go a little bit far, because it is like a releasing a tap which has a lot of build-up behind it. I have openly been quite honest with my mother and said a woman wouldn't take me on as a boyfriend, because of another reason she is more interested in her street cred and being with somebody that has a physical disability you will get a lot of looks and I have a lot of problems; that I would like to fix but I need a girlfriend to be patient with me, I mean I wouldn't make it difficult for them, because underneath all of this I am a nice guy, nicely weird but still a nice guy.

The reason why I have told you so much about me: is a cautionary warning/tail if you want people to grow up like me; with so many internal mental issues and consequently physical issues carry on with this entire gender war including every other gender, because I have been completely stripped of my masculinity and human value. I do believe every section of our society that wants to live deserves their own place in it.

But as everyone should know; there are some sections of our society that would be absolutely delighted to crush other sections of our society and bend them to their will or if not cancel them and crush them into the dust; which without being too controversial this sounds like every other dictator in history do as I say or I will crush you.



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