Thursday 17 August 2023

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 50 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 50 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: I will be discussing things freely but as always softening my language.

WWE: simply put it isn't about them here, but all I have to say here; everyone knows and if you don't know it is just because you have not been around wrestling long enough. That what is happening over in All Elite Wrestling the WWE would not tolerate it, I mean they would probably tolerate it until they had made one last Pay-Per-View/Premium Live Event if your name is worth cashing in, basically it is all about the money, then they would cut the individual loose. I mean Mr. McMahon had a few catchphrases as a character, but this one happens to be not only a character, but an actual promise "Don't cross the boss" or another one would be "No one is bigger than the WWE" [in hindsight he should have finished off that expression coughing and saying the following "besides me."] Or if you have done something which they don't like they would cut you lose or in fact if he or they felt good time was up and he had got his use out of you out you go, basically everyone is expendable.

All Elite Wrestling: before I continue I would like to say I like AEW and they are what the wrestling industry needed. But now I have said all that let's get down to business. Frankly I don't care, what is happening behind the scenes, I have talked about in previous volumes where on both counts essentially be it The Elite or CM Punk at one point or another I have defended them both, but let's be crystal clear here they are both at fault here for what happened at AEW All Out 2022, you see I watched someone else's content the other day and this individual was absolutely correct generally speaking Tony Kahn [the owner/other job titles of AEW] has no backbone, so let me get this right [I am not taking sides I am being completely unbiased but just pointing this out] so The Elite get essentially stripped of at the time the AEW Trio Tag Team Championships which is absolutely the right thing to do, Punk gets rewarded for his participation in this situation by getting a playground to play in better known as AEW: Collision believe that he can say who can come in or not and he can mouth off whenever he likes about The Elite either indirectly within make reference to them in some way or directly as it relates to "Hangman" Adam Page [yes full disclosure; I am aware Punk has recently text Page to apologise, the understanding was apparently it was a joke, but Punk felt bad as it didn't land properly.] I mean really, I mean really, I have life term brain damage and I even knew this would be a bad idea. I know Punk has no filter, but seriously at the age of 40+ this absolute manure is getting very old, in fact it is not even getting old I have said it on social media recently and I will say it here again in black and white. When all that controversy happened at AEW All In 2022 Kahn should have grown some grapefruits and took time to think about getting Punk out of his promotion not I will say this again not taking The Elite side. But taking his own side of "Phil you just made me look like a complete and absolute fool on our promotion's biggest night of the year All Out and don't worry I will deal with The Elite, but for you and I we are done."

Likewise I have said this on social media in the past couple of days where I have made reference to Punk having similar levels of power to Hulk Hogan back in the days of WCW and I remember at some point in the infancy of AEW I remember Kahn making reference to something to the effect of "We are going to learn lessons from WCW." So obviously I have one question for you Kahn; how is that working out for you? When you can't even control your roster. You have Punk doing and saying what the hell he fudgin likes whenever he likes, consequently the rest of the roster regardless of main show are beginning to act up or feel frustrated and at this point even I can't blame them. You have a women's roster that deserves more space and time to grow on screen, you have Jade Cargill allegedly/but possibly true not wanting to come back to the promotion. Can I just point out again that quite frankly and I am speaking from a wrestling prospective not any other perspective. She needs to remember who made her and most definitely in her first run at AEW she has nothing to complain about out of 61 matches she has 60 undefeated and plenty of TV time and so on and so forth. So if I had to pick someone that under no circumstances should be complaining it would be her, quite frankly she should come back to the company and work are contract and fudge off, I'm not saying the rest of this out of spite. But as I have just said she needs to remember who made her and the facts are she is a one-dimensional wrestler, to the point where I can say she is good, but as everyone knows there is being good and there is being WWE good, where in NXT they would wrestle rings around her and as a wrestling package including promos, the WWE would say she is as green as some of her ring attire. I mean don't get me wrong I like people with confidence in their abilities, but with her I think she is definitely believing her own hype too much; moving on.

I am not criticising Darby Allin for saying basically the AEW TNT Championship has lost its prestige [a great real and honest promo; to the point where I hope he didn't receive any heat for it, because he was being professional and keeping it in kayfabe, but just being really honest about things as they stand.] So the way this championship has been treated isn't worth spitting on it and why is that Kahn? You have taken some shine off Wardlow and Powerhouse Hobbes which how much I don't want to say it but I would be stupid not to realise that these two individually or together are at some point WWE bound Wardlow is essentially a younger power/agile wrestler and slimmer version of Brock Lesnar and Hobbes is a mixture between Ron Simmons/Faarooq  and Bobby Lashley so at this moment in time I would say it is more of a case of when not if they go to the WWE. Because you could easily sling shot one or both onto the main rosters quite easily. Because yes they may be young, but they are at that sweet moment in time where they are ready to go replacements they just need more screen time to develop or as it relates to Wardlow by accounts any time.

But back to this worthless championship, you have this really stupid situation at the moment and yes if this championship had some prestige I would be more engaged with this whole Luchasaurus and/or Christian Cage championship thing, but all I see is another nail in the coffin of this championship.

You see whilst all of this is going on Kahn has completely lost sight of what is important, the fact is he has two massive pay-per-views coming up AEW All In on Sunday 27/08/2023 just at a little place called Wembley Stadium in the United Kingdom which is almost sold out and then Sunday 03/09/2023 AEW All Out.

I have seen the card for the Wembley pay-per-view and at best I would give it 5/10, if you want to give it any less I would completely understand that, because I would scrap this pay-per-view outlay, don't get me wrong I would keep some of the matches, but nonetheless do a shake up. Khan has completely misunderstood or has no idea or completely and utterly dropped the ball how big this event actually is keeping in mind also it is their first time in the UK. It doesn't have the imagination to use the Wembley event to set up the following pay-per-view.

I mean for an example and yes I know it is slightly cheesy but it works on; they could have had a four way; Brothers vs. Brothers vs. Brothers vs. Brothers ladders match for a number 1 contenders for the AEW Tag Team Championships at AEW All Out with Top Flight, the Guns, Lucha Brothers and The Hardys instead of this Stadiums Stampede, which is very transparently trying to get names on the card.

So instead of Osprey vs. Omega III, we just get another transparently obvious match slot with many names on the card, once again I could have come up with something much better if they just wanted to get names on the card a 24 man [or as how many trios they have available at this point] Battle Royale where the winning member of a trio gets the opportunity to join against The House of Black for their trios Championships under The House of Black stipulations and AEW All Out or if he has any plans for this group already it is just a simple case of adding this winning team into the mix. I mean instead of putting the reigning AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy in a four in a row open invitational gauntlet match, where the fourth is a mystery [Wardlow] he demolishes Cassidy and dethrones him as champion, with a more ruthless streak I am not turning Wardlow heel, but giving him the purpose of "I was getting bored being on the sidelines" with Wardlow challenging Cassidy to a rematch at next Sunday's pay-per-view with this stipulation of a street fight.

But Osprey vs. Jericho has the look and feel of it was very rushed, it will be good but it's not exactly the kind of match you want to put on with your biggest attendance record; it most definitely should have been Osprey vs. Omega III.

On viewing this pay-per-view card if I am going to criticise the WWE for this I have to do it as well for AEW; why is there only one women's match on this card? As things are, this is not good enough I would actually discuss things with NJPW if they would allow their championship to be defended on this card as it relates to the NJPW Strong Women's Champion Willow Nightingale vs. the ROH Women's World Champion Athena; they could even have just her championship up for grabs when they have a rematch at All Out, which at some point down the line they could have this third instalment at another big pay-per-view or where is the AEW TBS Champion Kris Statlander in all of this? So TK it is one of your biggest events ever in the history of your wrestling promotion and you haven't got one of your biggest home-grown talents on the card, come on man what is up with you?! Hold on I have just realised where the hell are The Dark Order in all of this pay-per-view? Now if you have been with AEW since its inception you would know of The Dark Order's importance, you may like them or hate them or are in different to them. But at this event day without question should be on this card to represent our/their fallen leader RIP Brodie Lee, without him making an impact they or AEW wouldn't be here at Wembley and finally I am hoping TK is smart enough to say to all of the English wrestlers that are unable to wrestle; as long as I put in place one rule, no physical contact you can either be on commentary for your stablemates matches or/and deliver a promo. Because it is the right thing to do and this is not the reason for doing it, but hopefully when it comes to signing a new contract they would remember the kindness shown, but that is not my main motivation here, it is just the right thing to do to keep them involved on the big stage and TK did do these number one contenders matches at this pay-per-view for the following pay-per-view, I would take precautions such as you are not doing any TV work until the following pay-per-view, you can do promos via your mobiles and we can use that content for that week. I am just interested in keeping with either in good shape or giving them time to heal up. Finally I am just really annoyed that TK has taken so long to put this card out, with it being not a strong as it should be regardless of injuries every match should have had something on the line either for now or the following Sunday after this event, mark my words even though I like this promotion and I have already referenced this at some point in this content; I consider this to be a massive and unnecessary dropped ball situation here, obviously I hope everything goes really well, but it's not like they didn't have time to make this feel and look something special with a massive sold out or almost sold out stadium in another country, which in itself is massive, but this card should have been all guns blazing.

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