Tuesday 15 August 2023

Average Extra of: Snow White 2024 is sinking quicker than the Titanic by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Snow White 2024 is sinking quicker than the Titanic by AverageMansReviews

Full disclosure: I will probably go and see it, but before I receive any form of backlash, those that are from the mind set of I am going to have an opinion on it, without going to see it, that is absolutely fine and your choice; But because I have been creating content for a long time in its entirety and not just under this incarnation. I find it better to watch something and get the knowledge even though on one hand of what I have heard, seen and everything it is going to be an absolutely dumb stuff fire, whilst on the other hand yes I am going to give Disney my money and trust me when I say at this point in time they would be grateful for any form of money even though it is just about 5 pounds and finally will be using a softer wording to what I actually mean, in this content I specifically use these words or softer adaptions to highlight the severity of the problem, not because I don't know any other English.

Rachel Zegler as Snow White & Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen problem: well and this moment in time just need to shut the fudge up. I am talking from the perspective of if I was at Disney so I'm not talking as a man here, I am talking as a business person here, every time they individually or together open their mouths [including the Hollywood writers strike as it relates to Ziegler,] I can just see it costing me money/Disney money. When I say every time I literally mean every time, they just spew out toxicity and just for the record yes I did do some research before creating this content so when I say it literally every time that is what I mean as I have seen it for myself.

Whomever chose these two performers for this film, needs to be fired because they are not only burying the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937 actually they are going out of their way to destroy it, which you are aware that if this film didn't exist in the first place, both of these performers wouldn't be getting paid millions of dollars right? So they are literally biting the hand that feeds them and also putting the financial success of their own interpretation at risk which is beyond stupidity, because they are turning it into a political statement/stand. What I just found amusing is I have just seen content that suggests that these two performers were absolutely excited to be chosen for this project at the beginning, so my obvious question would be; why? As why? You have been incredibly vocal about destroying the subject matter every chance or opportunity you get.

Peter Dinklage; I think someone has got too big for their boots: well he did essentially portray a giant in Avengers: Infinity War 2018 as Eitri, so that would explain the big feet theory. But as far as I'm concerned even though I don't have dwarfism I have a disability from birth with some time later a mental health illness on top. But I have to be completely honest here with his comments I feel that he has very much pulled up the ladder to screw the next generations of his society and let me make this crystal clear I am not offended, I will repeat that one more time I'm not offended on the behalf of people with this condition/disability, but as someone with a completely different [so I'm not doing a comparison here] condition/disability, he has essentially made it unacceptable for people with this condition/disability or varying conditions or disabilities or illnesses to portray this role. I doubt he took two seconds to think about the ramifications of what he was saying, because where I am sitting may be some new performer with varying height disabilities needed a role like this, to potentially breakthrough into the mainstream or/and just to get consistent work based around their height either way as long as they are content.

In a general sense which means I am now fully entitled to say this; I feel like he has stabbed us in the back, because regardless of height disability or in my case brain disability we need more representation on any screen [I am not being woke, I am just saying it is 2023 at this point,] and once again I think he may have forgotten on a day-to-day average person's life with any form of disability or other how difficult it is to be treated as excepted. Yes he has dwarfism, but he is also now protected by the Hollywood bubble so when he says I am paraphrasing here essentially one step forward having Snow White of a different ethnic background, but then having taken two steps backwards because you have people with a heightened efficiency still portraying dwarfs, take a step back and look at what you are doing. With this speech he has potentially put people off his society back many more steps, because of his and I am fully comfortable saying this his woken opinions; I will put this briefly whatever happens on a big stage of like politics or Hollywood or you know anything on a big scale, eventually it trickles down to the street level, which basically means for this example if Hollywood does not have a high regard for people of a heightened efficiency, eventually your audiences will pick up on that and see that if they don't have a high regard for this section why should I? Or if I can be appalling to this person based on any reason, because they are not being shown in a high regard, it gives them the green light either by consequences or not to be at minimum a pleasant or worse and from my side of events let's just say I know what I'm talking about. But I mean he could have been really smart and put over I don't see why it can't be women with dwarfism or a completely different but within the grounds of what we are working with we could still have the seven dwarfs as they should be, with a mysterious eighth one which is big and is the firstborn, which would explain why the seven are of small stature. I mean that is two interpretations that would have worked much better than the incoming manure show of 2024. I have seen the pictures that are circling and as far as I'm aware yes we have one token dwarf as it should be which as I have made abundantly clear up to this point is just wrong. I almost forgot there is one big point I should make can we just make this transparently clear that this film is based on " Snow White and the seven Dwarfs," not Snow White and the Six Average People and One Dwarf." Full disclosure they should just point out that I know I have seen other content creators make exactly the same point, but I think we are all in agreement here, so that generally speaking they won't mind me putting it in here as well, but to continue this point why don't Disney just come up with new material, instead of rehashing from their golden archive and this point has also been referenced by other content creators.

The cast look: well the nicest way I could put it is are you fudging serious it looks like absolute manure. If you have problems with believing me, you are more than entitled to go and look at the pictures yourself they are online as we speak. It looks so bad, none of the Snow White and apparently the seven Dwarfs look endearing or nice or even bearable, yes I said bearable which if you can look outside the box is going to make watching this film, so much more difficult on top of the issues I have already discussed, all they have left to say for this section is what were they thinking?

Escapism: once again full disclosure I have heard from/via other people's content that the general consensus is; they want escapism, regardless of gender other/sexuality or other or generally speaking other. People want escapism for a little while be it a woman being protected by smaller individuals or finding their Prince. They are clearly indicating that they don't want to be reminded of the current world and where it is, without offending anyone but making my point; where if you sneeze in the wrong direction you could very easily get cancelled. This will be another project for Disney that after taking everything into consideration such as budget and advertising and so on and so forth, hopefully they will have another financial loss on their hands. Because that is what they deserve, for continuously over more recent times playing this social politics with as I have already referenced their golden age of material from their vault and just for those long-term Disney fans yes I would be in agreement with you where if you said to me they had two generations of golden content from a 1930s and beyond and then again around the 1980's into around the early 2000's what with Recess and its franchise and Fillmore! But the more recent times which I am just saying they might want to change how they are doing things, because in one way or another it is costing them money and global credibility.

It isn't even 2024 yet and: people are getting ready to absolutely destroy this reimagining and yes I will be one of them. I was just thinking of bringing up this point now, so that 2024 I can make reference to the fact that in 2023 where all of the damage was done back here, yes I know as a film has been rapped as in completed, but at any point between now and when the film comes out in 2024 it would be nice if Disney actually again from a business perspective got their head out of their posterior and worked on mass damage control, because as things stand it is just looking more and more and more an inevitable manure show when it comes to this film and its release and I guess there is only one place I can finish really and that is; I have heard that people are making comparisons between Rachel Zegler and Brie Larson which we just don't need another outspoken self-righteous, I will say right here and right now Zegler Is in her early 20's, someone needs to give her a quiet word, because she is young and she is already getting a toxic reputation, so she needs to calm it down by about seven notches on a ten notches scale, because her career is too young to take this kind of negative hit and to keep rolling with the same momentum afterwards. But what we need is more women in particular to say that men and it is okay to go along with them, instead of castrating them every opportunity we get and finally for women you don't have to follow these two examples of women, you are okay the way you are and not everyone is your enemy regardless of background or preferences on different subjects.


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