Saturday 27 May 2023

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Night of Champions 2023 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Night of Champions 2023 by AverageMansReviews

To be honest: on paper this card looks okay but, once you begin to look closer it is pretty basic really. I mean I did hear that this event was more of a holding card like the previous event. But I am not happy how the main roster is going or are heading, well we get all reminisce about that brief time that Mr. McMahon had nothing to do with the WWE until the day he is no longer on this planet.

Becky Lynch vs. Trish Stratus; Singles Match: my pick is Trish Stratus. Basically this match should be good, but it is obviously a feud builder as in it needs more substance.

Natalya vs. Champ The Judgement Day's Rhea Ripley; Singles Match for the WWE SmackDown Championship: my pick is The Judgement Day's Rhea Ripley. Well what do you want me to say here, don't get me wrong I could understand at WWE Backlash 2023 putting Zelina Vega in this position, because she is from this part of the world. But this match here is just a stopgap feud or to be brutally honest I hope it is. Because Ripley is hot right now and she has been for some time, but to have her in one stopgap feud is fine, two is just garbage booking and if the WWE hierarchy are not careful they are going to slowly chip at Ripley's momentum and credibility.

Asuka vs. Champ Bianca Belair; Singles Match for the WWE Raw Women's Championship: my pick is Bianca Belair. Speaking of somebody that has no momentum and credibility swiftly brings me onto Belair she has successfully bored me; I really don't care what they do with her now. They have done a terrible job with her to the point where the only thing that is left on the table is to repackage her somehow. But then again the last time that they tried to repackage one of their best female wrestlers it hasn't turned out that well, as it Asuka? I mean if somehow she wins here? It would do no one in this match any favours they have both got zero momentum and Asuka only has credibility because everyone minus the WWE hierarchy knows that she is pound for pound one of the best female wrestlers not only in the WWE but around the world. Let's not forget if Asuka can't win it at WWE WrestleMania 39/2023: Night 2, when they should have done is championship drop, why would they do it on a garbage glorified house show event? Just to wind me up I just want to go on the record I bet they do it just to irritate me and I should suspect possibly other people as well, but either way Asuka deserves much better.

Mustafa Ali vs. Champ Imperium's Walter [Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci;] Singles Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship: my pick is Imperium's Walter. For me this is the match of this event, there is one thing that I have just thought about for two seconds, what really annoys me is; unless I missed something with looking online at other people's content they haven't made Ali look particularly anything, before I receive backlash or comments. Yes I have been around wrestling for a long time so with that being said I know, I know this championship isn't going anywhere any time soon which I am absolutely fine with Walter deserves to potentially go down in the record books as the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time he just has to go past 454 currently held by The Honky Tonk Man. But we could give Ali rub to be galvanised his career, stop me if you have heard me say something to that effect already; this is another case of everyone else knowing that Ali could be one of the main event guys, but once again the hierarchy of the WWE don't seem to know or care about that, all they are concerned about in this situation; is building up Walter's next genuine threat which if you don't know is Matt Riddle, I mean why not throw Ali into the mix as well they are individually highly skilled wrestlers in their own field so why not have them feud?

The Bloodline's the WWE Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa [with Paul Heyman] vs. Champs Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn; Tag Team Match for the WWE Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship: my pick is Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn. I really don't care about this whole situation now, I am so bored of it, basically what is going on here is the other members of The Bloodline The Usos: Jey & Jimmy Uso are going to try and assist but it backfires consequently these championships stay where they are and sew more friction into this faction.

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar; Singles Match: my pick is Brock Lesnar. This is just a case of 50-50 booking, so as Rhodes won the previous match in a quick and sudden fashion I expect this match to be a relatively similar timeline but Lesnar locking in the Camorra submission, of what I have seen they have already done the ground work with to Rhodes to protect him from the loss at this event, to then set up this is speculation on my part mixed with opinion a stipulation that doesn't require anyone to be pinned for Rhodes to go over and if you think I have forgotten Money In The Bank 2023 I expect some to be in the Men's Money In Bank Ladder Match, but they will cost one another in some way.

Seth Rollins vs. The OC's AJ Styles; Tournament Final for the Inaugural WWE World Heavyweight Championship Singles Match: my pick is Seth Rollins. It should be him, but as I have recently referenced in other content and this may not be the case because of his Hollywood commitments. But now update that this could mean in the future and separately or/and together this goes for his wife as well Becky Lynch. To be brutally honest even though this championship is not in circulation yet likewise as I have referenced in the same content previously, but basically for here it has been a complete shambles; what with in a nutshell the hierarchy telling us potentially Reigns isn't losing his championship any time soon, so here is a secondary main brand championship, including having SmackDown wrestling for a Raw exclusive championship and now we have Styles [before I continue I should point out I am not criticising him for this but he is pointing out what we already know and partially yet in his defence fairly burying this championship.] I am not putting words into his mouth, but here's basically said Reigns has the two main brand championships. So between the triangle of the WWE universe [their fan base,] Styles and we don't know Rollins opinion, but to be fair to both of them they will make this championship work even if that two out of the three of this triangle thinks the same way, but to finish this bit off, it would be hilarious if Styles won this championship it would be a fantastic cherry on top of this manure cake. I should point out when I say fantastic I mean I would still be angry, but at this point even though this championship isn't in circulation yet it is already heavily tarnished so why not finish off the job with Styles winning it and this is nothing against Styles as I have already indicated he would make the best of it and make it into something, but this absolutely destroys what this championship was designed to do.



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