Sunday 22 January 2023

The Hard Way 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The Hard Way 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/men on women violence/drugs/torture/shooting/decapitation/breaking/hit and run/medical

I will finish this for my brother and I will finish this with you for a friend: now to give you the basic idea, because it is one of those mystery types of outlays; after the death of his brother Cody Payne [Younger Cody: unknown performer/adult: Grant Campbell] there's he was on a case for a ADS [this organisation hires I believe ex-service people as in they have served their country, but just to cover my back I could be wrong about this, but that is what I take away from this organisation] with Mason [Luke Goss] where things went side would; he leaves it up to the only other man he can trust besides Mason to finish this case and that would be his brother John Payne which has also served his country and because of his reputation he has been given another name, but I cannot remember or find it in this film all I can do is apologise [Younger Michael: unknown performer/Adult: Michael Jai White.]

The pacing of this 94 minutes film is really slow, but on the positive side of things we have some art throughout this film now and again we have this black-and-white contrast thing going on, which is elegant and classy, there is one occasion where there is some background music amongst other sounds at this time detracts from this in another usage of it the voice over is absolutely fine.

Comedy and Action; there are some little bits and pieces of comedy such as when in a nutshell we first meet Michael; he tells these hostile individuals what he is going to do to them before he does it in his own bar. Generally speaking the action is what it is which is a solid quality of combat and weapons being used.

Character developments and performances; on both counts they are likewise solidly good versions of what they are meant to be, if predictable as it relates to one aspect and the performances are solidly good as well

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; as this is a standard action mixed in with some comedy with as I have already said a predictable element, but there is enough about it to find itself in this marking section.


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