Thursday 19 January 2023

DC Harley Quinn [Season 3,] Episode 31: It's a Swamp Thing by AverageMansReviews

DC Harley Quinn [Season 3,] Episode 31: It's a Swamp Thing by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: this TV program is not suitable for children and in one way or another there is adult contents/flashing effects/other effects/torture/medical

On the search for Swamp Thing: Storyline; we have the majority of the COOB Squad Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Nora Fries as Quinn and Ivy need help finding Frank the Plant or else, but firstly they need some help from a certain John Constantine; he has a map to their destination.

Meanwhile Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne are having relationship issues: Character [Character developments,] Action and Art; this couple are having a therapy session with Music Meister; Kyle and Wayne refuses to talk about their relationship with basically we're fine. He talks about them singing their problems would also they decline; so it is very useful Meister has brought his keyboard with him as he has the special powers to use musical notes so people can tell the truth in singing as we have here and to complement this with this couple singing about their relationship we have this eye-catching effectively a musical number/possibly inspired from the 1980's music videos, but it definitely has that kind of feel of that decade at the very least; with Selina taking on this eye-catching pink and likewise Wayne taking on this blue with in this bright yet calming red roughly blotchy circular cream white effect lighting effect background [later on we have these miniature versions of them making these circular patterns] with these black-and-white images over this colour system and finally we have a blacked out version of their heads and neck taking up one side of the screen each [Wayne on the left and Kyle on the right] with their hands in the middle and in the background losing connection; this is highly creative art.

This episode receives: 9/10, this episode is excellent; I have decided to award another mark based on there is a lot happening, but also for as I have already made reference to this musical number/possibly inspired from the 1980's music videos, but it definitely has that kind of feel of that decade at the very least.


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