Thursday 1 December 2022

Thunder in Paradise II 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Thunder in Paradise II 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/chopping/cutting/domestic abuse/human trafficking

Here we go again: we rejoin Ex-United States of America Navy Seals "R.J." Randolph J. "Hurricane" Spencer [Terry "Hulk" Hogan] and Martin "Bru" Brubaker [Chris Lemmon] as they go and rescue Kelly "Legs" LaRew [Carol Alt] from her newly found love Prince Aramour [Carlos Lauchu] as he has arranged a situation involving Lord Mortador [Jorge Gonzalez a.k.a. Giant Gonzalez] on a quick side note yes not to be confused with Terremoto from the previous TV film, same performer different characters. But I digress in his home country of Northern Tansainia. But then again she wouldn't be in this trouble if she listened to Trelawny [Kiki Shepard] as she performed this spiritual connection known as a Dream Won where on that night she saw this Prince in her dreams so she believes it to be fate, Trelawny also performs this spiritual connection on  Jessica Whitaker-Spencer [Ashley Gorrell;]Yes I have just noticed they have changed the daughter's name from Megan in the first film to her mother's characters name of Jessica, I have no idea why this is, but based on this film and the following one she doesn't appear, in fact Spencer is a single parent with surrounding characters building this family around her, On a quick bit of research her mother does appear with the same name in 3 episodes of this TV program. But I digress, which gives her nightmares or in one case she is clearly awake and seeing these images, to be honest it is all a bit weird, so she warns her father and uncle about the potential threat of the future. We have other wrestlers or wrestling on-screen characters  in this film, full disclosure I didn't see some of them or it is possible I could have just missed them or They are just not in here, but however I do believe in the cast list in; Jimmy Hart/a.k.a. "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart as Jammin' Jimmy, Brutus [Brutus " The Barber" Beefcake a.k.a Ed Leslie] and Fred Wayne Ottman/Fred Ottman a.k.a. WWF/WWE: Tugboat/Typhoon.

What do you want me to say about this film?; The pacing of this 90 minute film mixed in with the script for the first 20 minutes is what I can only describe as ugly, just ugly as we have LaRew and Prince Aramour falling in love here is something for you to look out for this montage between these two, in a nutshell is entire opening section is garbage it really does put this film on the back foot and consequently, it really does have to work hard to get me interested again.

The comedy predominately between Spencer and Brubaker including in one sequence Jail Guard [Michael Marzella] is priceless, because this partnership very much keeps this sequel going; be it the comedy, the chemistry which like the comedy has this sensible but also two buddies either in calm or hostile situations dealing with things, you know they know that they are in a hostile situation with bullets flying all over the place, but they still have time to have a back-and-forth if not to use this carpet as a hang glider; because Jessica warned them of something like this. So they use it or the better wording would be they tried to use it as a parachute, but let's just say they were unsuccessful as I am going to speculate here, because we don't see it but maybe a roof as they come through someone's washing on a clothing line.

Art; this partnership is dealing with the situation; Spencer is underwater with this mine detector trying to find these water to air missiles [they are like circle or disc UFOs; these look good,] where he I would say controlly set off as they are trigger sensitive the trapdoor mechanism so the missiles go off/up so that Brubaker can use the laser on Thunder [voiced by Russ Wheeler] but besides all this we have this life down there as well.

I know in one way or another I have already spoken about the action so I will just make this reference we get to see Spencer vs. Mortador.

Character developments and the performances; from our returning characters that character developments and the performances have gotten better including  Kelly "Legs" LaRew [Carol Alt] dropping that terrible New York accent and just speaking in her normal voice; it is a massive improvement. But her relationship with Prince Aramour [Carlos Lauchu] gets a no thanks from me any of it does no thanks, even him as an individual just no thanks, I think I have made myself perfectly clear.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; as you can clearly read there are some are positives to this film and if the beginning stages of this film including the other negatives I would have considered giving this project a slightly better mark, but this is all speculation based on we go now. But as things are this mark is the outcome.




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