Wednesday 30 November 2022

Thunder in Paradise 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Thunder in Paradise 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/chopping/cutting/strangling/choking/animal cruelty/disfigurement/electrocution

It is what it is: we meet two Ex-United States of America Navy Seals "R.J." Randolph J. "Hurricane" Spencer [Terry "Hulk" Hogan] and Martin "Bru" Brubaker [Chris Lemmon] a highly educated mechanic that works on Thunder and additional weapon systems and things of this nature. Thunder [voiced by Russ Wheeler] is a highly technical boat, it has a Dr. Who's TARDIS thing going on where it is much bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside [on a very quick side note TARDIS stands for "Time And Relative Dimension In Space"] basically what we have here is a mixture between a pinch of Dr. Who, Knight Rider [1982-1986] and Baywatch [1989-2001] as this TV show is from the creator of Baywatch Doug Schwartz Story/Director and Michael Berk Screenplay. Full disclosure I didn't know all of this, but even before I did some research "I did say to myself this does look and feel like Baywatch." But I digress on the latest mission which in short they are successful, there is the marriage which is founded on purely business, Spencer and Brubaker rescue Spencer's new daughter Megan Whitaker-Spencer [Felicity Waterman] and their friend Kelly LaRew [Carol Alt] with Megan's mother and Spencer's new wife involved as well Jessica Whitaker [Robin Weisman] but she is completely out of her depth in this rescue attempt. We also have a legendary on-screen wrestling personality in Jimmy Hart/a.k.a. "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart as Jammin' Jimmy and others as you will see.

The pacing of this 144 minutes film is straightforward, don't get me wrong it is solid but combining that with the script it does feel and presentation of a three and a half point script of; beginning mission and the half point being a little bit of an origin/back story thing being referenced, then moving on to the marriage and finally the rescue mission [and yes I know the beginning mission is also a rescue mission, but I just needed to distinguish one from the other.]

The comedy is harmless but cheesy such as when Spencer lying in wait to takes out these Cuban soldiers using this long would of some description building material and we have Brutus [Brutus " The Barber" Beefcake] crying at Spencer's wedding with Jimmy handing him some tissue as well and like I said earlier we have some comedy elements of Jessica being a lady of high standards being out of the depths on this rescue mission as an example she doesn't want to get her shoes dirty so Spencer just picked up and over and the shoulder.

Art: there are a few scenery moments, but Spencer or Spencer, Brubaker and Jessica escaping from the situation by swimming underwater; these sequences look good.

For the action; Brutus vs. Norman Kowalski [Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart] or/and Kowalski vs. Spencer arm wrestling and then Spencer vs. Terremoto [Giant Gonzalez] note once but twice in combat and I did pick up one in the second action sequence Terremoto kicks Spencer in the face lying down and is it me or is the kick and the kick sound effects out of sync here? If you are from the 70's to I would say comfortably the late 1990's you would have some experience of the sound effect I am making reference to, it is where the example you have this combat sequence between two people and if it is done correctly both participants should be able to either punch past one another or another physical action and the sound effects people can put in the sound effects as if these people are hitting one another or the more I'm thinking about it I think Spencer punches Terremoto in one of these two sequences and it is off time, I can't remember but my memory is telling me there was something previous as well, but I was just trying to be fair and balanced as well.

The character performance and the performances; they are safe and reliable character developments mixed with likewise safe and reliable execution of those character developments with Carol Alt doing a terrible New York accent, yes she comes from New York, but however be for dictating this I did some research based on up-to-date video footage or more up-to-date, she speaks much more softly and without the accent so this is speculation/opinion on my part that she was asked to put on a really strong New York accent you know the kind of one that knows bits and pieces which fits in with her bar keeper position, so I get what they were going for. But less emphasis on the New York accent would have been a better way to go.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; this is one of those films where I could have given something slightly bit higher, because the more you watch of it the slightly better it gets. But on the whole this mark is the right outcome, for those people that are either my range or older. Yes on some more research but on a different aspect this TV film came out first, followed by the TV program of obviously the same name 1 Season; 22 Episodes in 1994 [cancellation, because Hogan wanted to return to wrestling for the WCW whilst I was finding this out that the ratings may have been another reason to why it got cancelled] but I digress simultaneously or followed by it is unsure which wording is suitable here, so it is a case of either one or the other to cover my back that Thunder in Paradise II 1994 followed by either or simultaneously Thunder in Paradise III 1995 and yes a video game by the name of Thunder in Paradise Interactive CD-i which I watched some people's content on it, where Carol Alt uses her normal voice which is much nicer and finally there was going to be a Super Nintendo version of this game, but it got cancelled due to the TV program getting cancelled including the ratings so basically they couldn't justify it the financial risk.

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