Saturday 24 December 2022

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/impaling/cutting/medical/childbirth/slavery/drowning/burning/electrocution/triggering colonialism or/and racism.

Well it is good, but it has its problems: in a nutshell; we are back at Wakanda; Shuri [Letitia Wright] as she is frantically molecularly trying to re-structure The Heart-Shaped Herb to heal her brother King of Wakanda T'Challa/The Black Panther [Chadwick Boseman,] her last attempt had a reasonable to good but not convincingly charms of working, with time running out it is one of those at this point; where she will take anything, but the sands of time ran out on her and him. The Black Panther will prowl and protect Wakanda and its people again. As the honour, responsibility and mantle gets passed down from brother to sister Shuri/The Black Panther [Letitia Wright,] but she is reluctant to wear the responsibility, but she me quickly want to change her mind as a man from the waters The King of Talokan Namor [Tenoch Huerta] offers in one hand an alliance between their people to go up against the society on land or any other certain destruction of Wakanda, before attacking those on land.

The pacing of this 161 minutes film [yes I didn't misspeak this figure it is actually 161 minutes long,] is firstly; the first problem with this film; I'm going to speculate here for the first hour or even more, this project has the unique yet unwanted uniqueness of feeling drifts a long yet being progressive [I know what I just said here is a contradiction.] I have a better description for it; over here in the UK the soap operas used to the previous week’s episode on Sunday so that if you missed any of them, you could always have a lazy Sunday afternoon and watch them back to back and so on. This is how this film feels and looks like; meaning now and again you may get some noteworthy elements or you are just happy you missed that episode the first time around, because not much actually happened. But when this film actually decides to get going, if you haven't fallen asleep by then, which the person I went to go and see this film with did now and again; we will actually get to see and feel this is actually an MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe] project.

The natural art such as the scenery, the wardrobe, the cultural representation should and indeed get given high praise and including the special effects for the underwater sequences or anything else I have missed off this list other than what I am going to specifically bring up now. Because onto the second problem; this sequel uses these slow motion effects in these action sequences for a very small amount of times which the first time you will say " That is eye capturing art in these action sequences." But it is one of those annoying situations where the more you do something even though it is only done a small amount of times in this film; they run the risk of getting diminished returns, so for an example; in my case it goes from high praise to "Okay the 1999 and 2000's have called and they want their effect back." You see if you weren't born from around this point in history Hollywood used it to death be it in general films or/and 3-D films, so as I have been doing this kind of thing for a long time now, I was 25 when I started I am currently 39, so I have seen the rise and this effect be squashed into the ground and I acknowledge that it has a tiny purpose like once in every film if it must be used purpose, but other than that it has to offer something completely different or better than the first time it was used. I mean this is the price for Hollywood basically running it into the ground for a period of time regardless of in this case it only gets used a very small amount of times. Now slightly moving on the action sequences are generally speaking good; you know minus the slow motion effects there is good combat and so on and so forth.

Character developments: colonialism [there are other racial content, I am just going to discuss this one because it is large and crystal clear with gigantic flashing lights on:] well for a sequel that has problems which I have already outlined based on my opinion, now before I continue I just want to cover my back by saying I don't care if this is or isn't in the comic books, I'm just speaking from the perspective of 2022 and I am speaking from the perspective of being neutral. We come onto the third problem with this film title; we have the American and French Governments frankly tone of demanding on the behalf of the United Nations to share resources including Vibranium as they sit there having this demanding tone; the Queen Mother of Wakanda Ramonda [Angela Bassett] responds with in a nutshell and basically paraphrasing it is our policy to never share Vibranium, because we can only trust ourselves with it. With this she has a surprise for them Ayo/General of Wakanda's security/forces [Florence Kasumba] walks in with other members of her forces with Black Ops from both countries with the Queen Mother of Wakanda Ramonda direct speech of paraphrasing next time we will not be so lenient.

To begin with this situation happens and conclusion happens early in the film, I mean really early in the film, so essentially am going to say something really triggering, because I am fully aware of the world we are and probably will be living in for decades to come. Basically what we have here is colonialism, yes I had to do some research on this just to make sure I had the right word and furthermore yes I am from this part of the world the British Empire which had more of its fair share in. But as it relates to this film we have essentially colonialism from a Caucasian American, a Caucasian French and possibly other Caucasian beings represented here by these two individuals from the United Nations. I mean how much of a basic description do you want of colonialism; you can give us your Vibranium or we will take it by force, yet again because I am dealing with a sensitive subject I don't care if the United Nations in this film are willing to maybe or maybe not trade something in return, there is nothing they could/can trade for Vibranium, so that is why I am more than comfortable suggesting is basically colonialism as I have already said you can give it to us or we can take it by force.

Which leaves this film wide like the Grand Canyon wide open for criticism, negativity and plenty of ammunition for people that have been criticising the MCU for years, the woken section of our society and others to basically I'm going to put this as politely as I can tear this sequel a new posterior hole.

Yes I did say I am neutral, which is true but from my perspective it is crystal clear in what it is saying it implying in a very direct manner, I mean they couldn't even use the subtle approach of allowing their audience to connect the dots on their own, which would have been a much better way of doing it. Because at least this way you could elegantly and smartly suggest what is being said without being direct and aggressive.

But as things stand; unfortunately I'm just going to tell you how it is; which is they have baited their fishing line to receive backlash and trust me they will get it, because I have already seen some of it full disclosure just thumbnail titles and nothing more; when I am first dictating this; so as a 39-year-old man I would love to give you a sarcastic clap and say well done good job; for essentially baiting a portion of your audience and others are possibly getting fed up of this. You speak to Marvel fans they are not generally speaking against different cultures, against I say this with respect and kindness the alphabet community or anyone that may be different, because we are generally speaking and open-minded community, but as soon as you make it I'm going to say clumsy political meaning direct without making the point smart or elegant or at the very, very least a bit strong but good point. Then we tend to get a little bit funny and for those that may be our African-American, or any other culture for that matter I am not saying they have to sugarcoated, because some points have to be made for an example in this the United Nations scene. But it is how you put the message across and being brutally honest but absolutely fair as this scene is; it looks and feels like someone had taken their massive dump and smeared it throughout this scene; from an neutral perspective the Marvel Studios better get ready for the backlash, because it is coming and it is deserved.

The other character developments and performances; they are all good, but I am hoping when Shuri/The Black Panther [Letitia Wright;] spends more time around more established MCU characters in her new life, their experience or/and wisdom rub off on to her like the previous generations of the MCU have done for the following generation or generations, so I don't see this too harshly just more of an observation she does good in this film, but she needs to be around MCU characters that in comparison she is green and consequently she can still be herself, but learn from experienced individuals around her.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; but as I have already referenced but it does have its problems, there is one extra credit scene after the first lot of ending credits. When this was being first dictated this project had 2 Nominees to its name from the same award ceremony/event Hollywood Music In Media Awards (HMMA) 2022 HMMA Awards Best Original Song - Feature Film Tems Rihanna Ludwig Göransson Ryan Coogler Song: "Lift Me Up" Best Original Score - Sci-Fi Film Ludwig Göransson.



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