Saturday 22 October 2022

I am Vengeance 2018 [alternative name Vengeances] by AverageMansReviews

I am Vengeance 2018 [alternative name Vengeances] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/shooting/stabbing/strangling/breaking/biting/slashing/torture/medical

Vengeance comes to Devotion: after the death of Sergeant Daniel Mason [Unknown performer] Dougie [Keith Allen] calls up for John Gold; ex-military/mercenary [Stu Bennett a.k.a. Wade Barrett] for his insistence in this matter, Dougie leaves a diary voice recording just in case something goes wrong.

The pacing of this 92 minutes film is good, what with this sometimes dark music with Gold, I'm guessing/speculating here that they tried to give him the relatively modern atmosphere of Charles Bronson as Paul Kasey from the legendary Death Wish 1974 film, which back to this film it works what with our lead role having this ominous stature and presentation, character developments and performance.

But however there are some strange, strange reason they only use this odd but appropriate background music for their lead character on of what I can remember these limited occasions, when it should have been much more frequently, because it is a small detail but a big detail to this characters all round identity; this is an excellent performance also.

The action sequences are what you come to expect from an action revenge style film title; weapons, combat and explosions with together or individually comedy, full example Gold burns down this drug lab/manufacturing facility and we have him and this other character Sandra [Anna Shaffer] during this walkout [in slow motion] with the building behind them and then suddenly real-time kicks in and I will paraphrases Sandra says "They are going to be annoyed with you."

The character developments and the performances; minus out where lead character/performer; they are solid versions of what they are meant to be and likewise so are the performances.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; after everything is said and done this mark is a true reflection of this project, don't get me wrong if there are any fans of Stu Bennett a.k.a. Wade Barrett take a look at this film but have realistic expectations, that is all I am saying.

This title also has some awards accredited to its name; Winners 3; for an example Urban Action Showcase And Expo 2017 Urban Action Showcase Feature Film Award Stu Bennett. Nominees 2; National Film Awards, UK 2019 National Film Award Best Feature Film Ross Boyask John Adams Diane Shorthouse Evolutionary Films




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