Sunday 2 October 2022

Fisherman's Friends: One and All 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Fisherman's Friends: One and All 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects animal cruelty/medical

Welcome back to Cornwall our story continues: the Fisherman’s Friends have hit a sticky patch in one way or another especially Jim [James Purefoy] based on what happens in the 2019 film. The pacing of this 151 minute film is good.

The visual art to begin with; it is good as now and again we get to see the scenery of this location again and at the end of the film through the closing credits; we get to see this real-life footage of this band at this iconic music Festival. Characters/performers counterparts sing some of their songs and yes there is one rescue sequence.

Character development and performances; these character developments and performances are still all good, but also nicely progressed and mix that in with the comedy such as putting this politely modernising their language to fit in with the modern day political correctness and not forgetting the old Scone debate between Cornwall [yes it does say it in the film, but I forgot; after a little bit of research jam first] and Lancashire [other way around,] but I don't care which order as I am not from either one of these areas in the United Kingdom and yes for those people that are not from my country let me reassure you this is a genuine thing.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; like its predecessor it is a pleasant little film that as of when this was first dictated you could go to the cinema/other options after its cinema run and sit down for a quiet afternoon and be pleasantly entertained.




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