Saturday 1 October 2022

Fisherman's Friends 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Fisherman's Friends 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is animal cruelty/vomiting/medical

Cornwall: these fishermen known as "Fisherman's Friends"/Sea rescue volunteers get discovered even if it was a joke by Danny Anderson [Daniel Mays] and this is their story. The pacing of this 112 minutes film is good.

The visual art to begin with; it is good as now and again we get to see the scenery of this location and at the end of the film through the closing credits we get to see some black-and-white real-life pictures of Fisherman's Friends and to cover my back I will say others as well and musically we get hear their characters/performers counterparts sing some of their songs. Moving on to the action which there isn't much, this isn't that kind of film. But I know if I don't reference it, at some point someone will come back to me and say "You didn't mention such and such." Well here it is; there are some sea rescue sequences.

Character development and performances; these character developments and performances are all good, there is a really good sense of on-screen chemistry and community/family atmosphere from this cast and yes little bit of comedy throughout this film being spoken or in this one example in a nutshell; be very careful where you park your car, because it may not be there when you get back.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; it is one of those pleasant little films that you can put on; on a quiet Sunday afternoon and watch with people.



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