Wednesday 28 September 2022

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 45 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 45 by AverageMansReview

Just a quick heads up: I wasn't planning to do this today Tuesday 27/09/2022, but you will see why eventually.

WWE: what is annoying me about this wrestling promotion is generally speaking their fan base and if you feel this does not apply to you I apologise. But you will see where I am going with this; I commented on a post the other day about someone calling AEW a shambles and I basically said I find it amusing considering for at least the past 25 years the WWE has been a shambles.

Which strangely enough I can easily justify with some examples in some form of a chronological order;

overreliance on once their younger stars but as always the sands of time catch up to them, consequently Mr McMahon's short-term vision/booking and starving the production line of consistently new talent, basically a passing the torch and yes before I receive backlash on one hand yes there are a few new stars that have come through and being moderately to successful and on the other hand Triple H is trying to remedy this problem, let's not forget Mr McMahon tried to destroy Triple H's hard work in NXT with NXT 2.0 whilst Triple H was away let's just say having medical issues and recovering . The death of the WCW in 2001, slowly but surely the WWE got lazy as they had no big competition to them anymore. Yes there was TNA/better known by today as Impact Wrestling that launched in 2002, they had such a good start, I mean I used to watch this as soon as I accidentally found it on UK TV programming but the wheels came off when and I do stress when from an outsider's perspective [mine] when on some research, because I couldn't remember when it happened Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff came in; in 2010-2013 to work with Dixie Carter and in a nutshell they brought in too many veterans so it was like WCW 2.0, so it came no surprise to me and I don't say this with happiness that they had financial issues after this, because I used to watch this promotion and I knew having Hulk Hogan or/and Eric Bischoff going once again head to head with the WWE was a bad idea so history could almost repeat itself. I know there are some quick minds out there AEW is not the same, from the perspective of they are not like WCW or TNA, because they are bringing in relatively young talents with some veterans  to complement what they already have, yes they have a roster which has depth to it, but when ROH is up and running and has a TV deal, this entire roster will hopefully function or be more settled and I am happy to see that Impact Wrestling is still up and running after 20 years to be another viable option for any wrestling personnel but and I say this with great respect were never going to worry or challenge the WWE as TNA, I mean this is speculation they may be could have, unlikely if they had just kept on their road that they were on, slowly but steadily picking up more and more momentum, but this is where TNA and AEW are different also TNA chose to clearly speed up their challenge they took a gamble in my opinion and lost where AEW is making more and more slow progress in their own right and I would say keeping the WWE honest which back in the day WCW did the same for the WWF/E and vice versa so even though the title of this series suggests one versus the other, it makes the wrestling industry as a whole better if there are a good selection of wrestling promotions.

Mr McMahon clearly wanting to ram Roman Reigns down our throats at the beginning of his singles career in 2014, which if this company are not careful they are destined for history to repeat itself.

Mr McMahon running his wrestling promotion for just one viewer himself. The entire business dealings with the middle east and the problems with that which are controversial to say at the very least from a death of a journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 [I'm going to say alleged just to cover my back] that the Saudi Arabia Royal family had something to do with it which the WWE do business with this Royal family which is the decade long contract which makes the WWE lots and lots of money to go and put shows on over there. In fact they went over there on 02/11/2018 for WWE Crown Jewel 2018 precisely a month after the death of Mr Khashoggi is all kinds of wrong in my opinion. Then after the WWE Crown Jewel event in 2019 once again I'm going to say alleged that the WWE wrestlers were having trouble not taking off due to malfunctions, but it has been suggested that was all down to money and miss payments from the Saudis to the WWE.

Moving on to the global pandemic when this hit the globe, many people lost their jobs including some of these wrestlers and other personnel I know some came back in one way or another, but for those that possibly don't know the WWE makes so much money that keeping these wrestlers under contract wouldn't have harmed them in the slightest, it is/was unnecessary pennypinching.

In more recent times Mr McMahon has been regardless of how they want to spin it been forced to step down due to allegations of sexual misconduct with multiple women and abusing his position, there are some facts to support this based on their have been financial transactions between Mr McMahon and he is people to these individuals to hush hush them up.

Even more recently the new WWE hierarchy are at least talking about bringing him back for a farewell appearance at WrestleMania 39/2022, personally I wouldn't bother he has clearly damaged his legacy over the past 25 years, I mean he should have adapted with the times or if he couldn't do that he should have stepped down.

I have always said that when Triple H and/or Stephanie McMahon and their surrounding people getting control of the WWE they would do good, but also somewhere I have said I feel sorry for them, because they will have to undo/move the WWE away from this kind of history, to repair its image which minus a few hiccups such as not having an British wrestler pick up the W at the first stadium pay-per-view in 30 years at Clash at the Castle 2022, I mean all they had to do was have The Judgement Day pick up the win and I would have been happy and the 23/09/2022 White Rabbit thing/Bray Wyatt returning? I like long-term storytelling, so I am not against this too much, but I do have one problem they should have come up with a different thing other than this specific date, because under the previous regime this usually means a debut or overturn format kind of thing, so based on what the fans have come to expect it is false advertising based on what we have come to be programmed to expect and under the previous regime they were excellent at advertising things or putting things in place to then not give them their audience what they want or are expected. So maybe next time stay away from this kind of format unless something is coming on that date, but I hasten to add everything else about this is excellent. But I digress a little I just want to go on the record by saying if they bring back Mr McMahon to the pay-per-view and time I have already mentioned, I wonder if they are aware that they would run the risk of undoing the goodwill and hard work that they have received from everyone including myself.

One of the key points to why this Blog/Volume has come into being, is because likewise as I have already referenced I have been receiving more backlash about negativity towards this wrestling promotion. But I live in reality and yes financially they are incredibly successful and if you just want to look that way that is completely up to you. But I will not tolerate anyone telling me that something to the effect of Mr McMahon deserves something or other or this company isn't a shambles or anything negative to that effect, [don’t get me wrong I will respect another person's opinion, that isn't the problem, not to at least acknowledge that this wrestling promotion has a very rocky history or recent history that is the problem.] Because let's be really honest this new regime has only been in effect for only months if that, so let's see what happens within what 5 to 10 years. Yes I am willing and have been willing to give this new regime a clean start, but not a blind faith clean start as some seemingly out there, I know I have said this already as well as the potential return of Mr McMahon in previous Volumes life doesn't work that way and finally this is not tribalism I want the WWE to do well, like I said earlier that more companies that are out there the better it is for the industry as a whole, so I am not plotting or would be happy with WWE going into decline [which would take quite a few years based on their financial resources,] but I just think they need more time to find their rhythm, providing they don't do any more cock ups like quite recently Solo Sikoa as his first title run within the WWE as the NXT North American Champion in short deciding to go one way with him and then changing their mind, even though I don't watch NXT [this is just down to time or the lack of it,] I would have to agree with the overwhelming consensus that having all of these family members holding a championship was a great decision as it really does send a message that this family/faction/group are a dominating force for here and now and the future and from an outsider perspective, it doesn't really annoy me that they have spoiled Sikoa's first ever title run in the WWE, you only get one first ever championship run in a company. Yes I used to see you the main rosters as a separate thing compared to all other within the WWE Universe, but considering they have been bluring the lines including having the NXT North American Championship being defended on SmackDown Friday 16/09/2022 against Madcap Moss this no longer applies, regardless if they now want us to forget this.

All Elite Wrestling: now on to the other key reason why this Blog/Volume has came into being and yes I really wanted to leave this subject alone, but this is important  Tom Budgen a.k.a. Malakai Black has came forward and released a very short video on Instagram this is what he had to basically say; He hasn't been released from his AEW contract, don't listen to any outlets, I don't do this tribal WWE vs. AEW thing, this is a business I see it as a business I just need some time off and I will be back in AEW soon. [Date of seeing the video;  yesterday/Tuesday 27/09/2022]

Firstly I would like to apologise to Tom if over the recent Volumes if I have been harsh or incorrect. Secondly, can we just leave Tom alone now including myself until there is a major update I refuse and I mean this in the right way I refuse to speak of him now. Because and I mean this in the right way again whatever his situation is; he is clearly indicating that he wants to go and recharge his batteries and everything else and now we should respect that.

But moving on to AEW generally now, I mean if a WWE fan came and spoke to me properly and said AEW are going through a sticky patch aren't they? I would have no problem with going yes this year has been a massive, massive learning curve for everyone involved in AEW.

But what I have found really interesting over the more recent times, is the emergence of the ones off and on TV to believe in AEW, of any gender or other and I'm not fuelling speculation or prediction they may end up in WWE one day, it is the nature of the business. But through all of their garbage minus Kenny Omega's shopping list of injuries, including Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly or any other injuries I have not mentioned and not forgetting those like Jon Moxley [he was before his issues but even more so since his return Moxley is a cornerstone of AEW with or without Championships,] Jeff Hardy [yes my opinion hasn't changed on Jeff, but when he comes back he gets to prove it to himself firstly and to the rest of us if he has once and for all cleaned up his act,] Black and Buddy Matthews that needs time away; Tony Kahn should be behind closed doors a bit stressed, but very happy with how other wrestlers have stepped up to the plate and if you have been watching AEW TV programming consistently you should know the ones or at least some of the ones that I am referring to. I mean I know, I'm going to say that again I know this is still a negative going through the sticky patch. But turning it on its head for a second, it's almost like AEW had to go through let's just say this year, just to see how they would deal with not exactly everything going smoothly to see what they had as a company and it turns out this company has a lot personality to grit their teeth and work through difficult times.

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