Thursday 29 September 2022

DC Harley Quinn [Season 2,] Episode 21: Inner (Para) Demons by AverageMansReviews

DC Harley Quinn [Season 2,] Episode 21: Inner (Para) Demons by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: this TV program is not suitable for children and in one way or another there is adult contents/flashing effects/other effects/shooting/stabbing/shooting/decapitation/squatting/disintegrating

Harley would rather rain down terror on Gotham then tell the truth at the right time: Character [Character developments,] Comedy, Art and Action; Harley Quinn discussing things with Darkseid in his dominion of Apokolips; where he asks "Are you trying to fill an empty hole in your life Harley Quinn?" With Quinn turning to her group minus Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley/Poison Ivy and Sy Borgman pointing with her thumb at Darkseid "What is this guy my therapist?" We go back to Darkseid "Tere are some holes that not even an army of Parademons can fill." Comedy censor [I can't put down her reply but it is an natural and instantaneous response from her;] all I can say it is flawless comedy.

Darkseid lays down the task; defeat Granny Goodness in combat and he will give Quinn her scepter to command the Parademons, Quinn runs down this bridge way with her bat in hand and flames on each side; this looks inviting and highly imaginative art [but a little time later in a different stage of this combat sequence] Granny Goodness is incredibly powerful as she flicks Quinn away like a fly as her latest attack fails in this action sequence.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; this is one of those episodes that they really should have considered making a two-parter, there is so much here that they could have extended over two episodes.


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