Sunday 28 August 2022

WarGames 1983 by AverageMansReviews

WarGames 1983 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

"Would you like to play again?": After these nuclear rocket drill incidents it was decided to take out the human element of this procedure and leave it in the capable hands of WOPR [War Operation Plan Response] or Joshua/Dr. Stephen K. Falken/Dr. Robert Hume [voiced by/performed by John Wood.] Which this idea was brought to the table by Dr. John McKittrick [Dabney Coleman.] but what they didn't plan for is a high school student/hacker by the name of David Lightman [Matthew Broaddrick] to accidentally hack into their system, meaning he meant to hack into the latest games coming out and not begin playing a game of "Global Thermonuclear War" with WOPR/Joshua which puts David in hot water, but don't worry he has at least one friend by the name of Jennifer Mack [Ally Sheedy.] The pacing of this 114 minute film is good it smoothly moves throughout the film.

Well there isn't much action, but what we do have is David breaking out of this air force base NORAD [North American Aerospace Defense Command] something like MacGyver TV program [either the 1985-1992; 7 Seasons or/and the 2016-2021; 5 Seasons, which on a quick side note I have recently discovered the reboot version was cancelled and I really did enjoy that TV program.] But my point here is; MacGyver makes things out of things he has around him to escape or achieve whatever he needs to achieve to complete the mission. This is what David does in this sequence of unlocking the door to begin his escape to short-circuit the door so it remains locked after he has escaped from, enter this event to avoid being seen down the plug, through this passageway, through another vent to the command centre of this building, almost get caught but this ranking personnel which we have this short back and forth of insured not leaving the tour group so David just goes with that and leaves with them on this tour bus.

Art and Comedy; Dr. Stephen K. Falken/Dr. Robert Hume is flying this mote control pterodactyl; of what we see of it in its entirety it looks excellent and these old school computer pixelations, just to cover my back I am not condoning in some cases what they are showing I am just saying " this was back when computer technology was young and it still looks great and yes I know there isn't much to them by today's standards for the younger viewers, but this is what we had back in the day." There are a few moments of comedy, but that is about it really and the only reasons I have brought it up is because I know they are there and if I don't will not I always run the risk of someone at some point may or may not come back to me and say " You didn't mention this sort or that. "

Character developments and performances; as it relates to David Lightman [Matthew Broaddrick] and Jennifer Mack [Ally Sheedy;] they use the format of a coming-of-age; he needs to fix this problem and she will stand by him, he is a bit shifty and she likes a laugh, whilst he thinks too much, she is a free spirit and down to earth; so when they are on-screen together they make an excellent pairing, I mean individually or together these performances and on-screen chemistry is excellent. The rest of the cast on both counts be it the character developments or/and performances are all good, it is always good to see James Tolkan as FBI Agent George Wigan.

This film receives: 8/10 after everything is said and done, this mark is right, it deserves to stand side-by-side with other 1980s classic film titles from this decade, I know there isn't much of an ending to it, but a part of this film is about the journey and not the ending destination. This film also has awards accredited to it. 4 Winner including BAFTA Awards 1984 BAFTA Film Award Best Sound Willie D. Burton Michael J. Kohut William L. Manger and Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA 1984 Saturn Award Best Director John Badham. 14 Nominees including Academy Awards, USA 1984 Oscars Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen Lawrence Lasker Walter F. Parkes, Best Cinematography William A. Fraker and Best Sound Michael J. Kohut Carlos Delarios Aaron Rochin Willie D. Burton.

Yes if you're wondering this film has a sequel to its name WarGames: The Dead Code 2008 Link check it out if you want to


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