Saturday 20 August 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 132: Changing of the Zords: Part III by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 132: Changing of the Zords: Part III by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/transformation/medical

Steal a Power Colin, to Steal a Zord, to imprison a Friend, to destroy a Love; Part III: Blooper, Storyline, Action, Art these combined in one way or another; now this is one of those rare occasions where I watched the opening credits [sometimes I fast-forward them] in these opening credits you will very clearly see the next evolution of the incoming Zords as well as the present ones first in the opening credits, but however we get to see them for the first time in this episode and I am talking about the actual episode in their entirety and not the opening credits, so someone obviously jumped the gun here.

Tommy has to travel to one of Lord Zedd's Dark Dimensions where Kimberly is out of their reach so Tommy/The White Power Ranger comes up with the idea with Billy/The Blue Power Ranger between them coming up with a plan to use The Portalcom [an invention of Billy's which they have used before] so Tommy goes through to rescue Kimberly, but he gets confronted by Lord Zedd. So they go one-on-one Tommy/The White Power Ranger with Saba vs. Lord Zedd with his Z Staff; full disclosure we don't have too long with this action sequence in total as it breaks away to go somewhere else and then back again. But however what we do have of it is lots of fun and Tommy/The White Power Ranger throws Saba to break Lord Zedd's Staff which in turn; reverts back into this snake, so you will see Lord Zedd handling it; which in its entirety this sequence is highly imaginative.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; it finishes this trilogy off with a bang, but it also deals with the ramifications of what has taken place, that things are never going to be the same as they once were.


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