Friday 19 August 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 131: Changing of the Zords: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 131: Changing of the Zords: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/transformation/medical

Steal a Power Colin, to a Imprison a Friend, to destroy a Love; Part II: Storyline, Art Character [Character developments,] and Comedy; these combined in one way or another. We are in The Command Centre with the usual characters [minus Kimberly] Lord Zedd working on this ongoing situation which seems to be getting worse with every passing second. There is thunder and lightning and then Lord Zedd appears on The Viewing Globe. I am paraphrasing here he provides them with an update on Kimberly; her health and the health of her powers and he wants to propose a business deal in person inside The Command Centre, so after Alpha-5 basically declines, which Lord Zedd doesn't take too kindly to this; in short says " Doing now or risk harm to your Kimberly" Tommy/The White Power Ranger says Zordon we don't have a choice" which Zordon agrees and allows Alpha-5 to proceed with the teleportation.

Which we have The Command Centre shaking as if a tremor was happening with a puff, Lord Zedd appears sitting in his throne with his back of his throne to them so you can see the Z on the back, with his throne turning around to reveal him sitting on his throne with his Z Staff in his predominant hand. Where at some point he encourages Alpha-5 like a cat playing with a mouse to come out from behind a computer within The Command Centre, which Alpha-5 has now gone from a hard individual to a cowardly mouse as he declines from behind the computer with his head peering over with "I don't like you Ed." Which of course drives Lord Zedd berserk as he has to put up with this from Rito Revolto regardless of how many times Lord Zedd tells him it is Zedd not Ed.

This episode receives: 8/10, things are progressing nicely and then we have this scene which fulfils its purpose which is to make an iconic moment with a massive impact on to how things are for here and now; as we have spectacular art, excellent storyline/script, consequently Character [Character developments] and good times comedy from the thunder and lightning and onwards


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