Thursday 2 June 2022

Kickboxer: Retaliation 2018 by AverageMansReviews

 Kickboxer: Retaliation 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing/medical/substance abuse/drowning/strangulation

I have no other choice, let's go again: there are repercussions from Kickboxer: Vengeance 2016 Link for Kurt Sloane/Nạkrb k̄hāw; interpretation White Warrior [Alain Moussi] and [Durand] Jean-Claude Van Damme which has now paid his price for his part by his eyesight being taken from him. Thomas Moore [Christopher Lambert;] he wants Kurt Sloane to fight his champion Mongkut [Hafthor Julius Bjornsson] and he won't take no for an answer.

For some strange reason, but not unpleasant surprise; we get a James Bond style opening sequence. This sequence fluently transition to in a basic description scenes of this trilogy up to this point I may as well leave this here so in one way or another you have all of the trilogy Kickboxer 1989 Link stylishly combining with the colour system and moving sequence and then this sequence comes to an end swirling or something to that effect in Kurt Sloane eyeball [mind’s eye. But on a quick side note I don’t know how he could be thinking about this when he is getting beaten up in a cage fight at this time;] with the film picking up from there, hence why I chose the reference of James Bond, because hopefully even get the feeling of it is has been done in that legendary and implements sequence; which this is speculation on my part, it quite clearly doesn't have the same budget to work with, but for this film it is an excellent interpretation and there has been a lot of creativity put in this sequence and briefly in the daydream sequence, I should very quickly point out there is a moment of goofiness where in a nutshell this dancing sequence transitions into an action sequence, basically dancing and everything that comes with that gets a positive from me, that action sequence after this also gets a positive from me, it is just a transitional very small moment just comes across as goofiness.

The pacing for this 110 minutes film is good, I mean if you have ever seen any action film with training montages it does tend to have a safe and reliable approach to it, why change something when it clearly works or delivers what you wanted to without much fuss. It has to be noted that the latest two instalments of this trilogy have most definitely taken a wrestling theme a role approach, in the previous film we had Dave Batista as Po and Cain Velasquez as King's Fighter [I either didn't know of Cain Velasquez at the time or missed this I just now looked down the cast listing and there he was, but never mind I have mentioned him now] but in this film we have boxing legend/wrestling personality "Iron" Mike Tyson as Briggs and on some research looking on the cast listing; in fairness and balance UFC [Ultimate Fighting Championship] Roy Nelson as Big Country. Whilst I am on the subject the character developments and the performances are like the pacing of this project safe and reliable good.

There is some comical moments for one example we have  Kurt Sloane telling Big Country I am paraphrasing here to telephone the hospital wing of this prison with this list of injuries that these convicts have, but not yet experienced; he hasn't inflicted them yet.

Obviously have to pick this small action sequence to put in this review, because we have two legendary action performers having a little fight; it is good but if or when you see it I know it isn't much, but I am just happy it took place where we have Thomas vs. Durand; with swords and either Thomas' sparring partner or henchman or henchman that brought  Durand to Thomas this sequence takes place by night underneath these lights, but I just want to say this again I am just happy it took place and if you're wondering how this sequence went from this perspective Durand has picked up similar abilities to Matt Murdock/Daredevil whilst being blind.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; it is a solidly good film and for those football/soccer fans out there this project has Ronaldinho Gaúcho or known better as Ronaldinho including in this film as well [when you see the guy kicking a football/soccer ball; that is him] and one final thing there is any extra scene through the closing credits.

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