Wednesday 1 June 2022

Air Force 2020 [alternative name Top Gunner] by AverageMansReviews

Air Force 2020 [alternative name Top Gunner] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is shooting/stabbing/medical

A Black Ops doesn't exactly go according to plan: this Black Ops unit in this aircraft have in their possession this Russian bio weapon and no surprise the Russians want it back. They have taken much damage in one way or another they have no other choice but to land at this US fighter pilot training facility which is and the command of Colonel Herring [Eric Roberts] and others under his command they have to make sure that this bio weapon makes it to their destination in time to an antidote.

The pacing for this 81 minutes film is best described as slow and steady, I mean usually I wouldn't be this direct, but in this case it would somewhat speed things up. The positives of this film are any of the action sequences involving anything that flies. How can put this nicely, they are clearly the biggest positive to this film by some distance including the artistic look of them on a combining note the landscapes and seen with look good as well by day or by night they are all good.

Moving on to the character developments and the performances; well we get spoon fed the character developments, they tell their character developments or show their character developments or they are solid versions of what they are meant to be like Eric Roberts as Colonel Herring. I mean don't get me wrong if there are any fans of Eric out there in Internet land check this film out, but I wouldn't expect too much and as a friendly piece of advice he is very much in the role of supporting, so you will see him, but not a much as you would have liked I would describe his role as the bottom end of supporting just to cover my back.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; I mean the person I watched this film with and I only watched this film because it had Eric Roberts in it and as I have pointed out through this review there a couple more positives but that is about it, if you were wondering this; yes I didn’t want to spend too long on this review.

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