Sunday 29 May 2022

Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy [Season 1,] Episode 1: A Legend Reborn by AverageMansReviews

Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy [Season 1,] Episode 1: A Legend Reborn by AverageMansReviews

The Rule of these episodes reviews: as usual the 3 to 5 things about one episode applies and you will notice a change I will keep the old style just to finish off old episode reviews and then when that is completed I will switch over to this slightly adapted version.

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/transformation/bodily functions

Episode advice: this Anime/Manga TV show uses the outlay of continuation a lot, so it is important that you watch these episodes in the right chronological order, because some of these wrestling matches overlap episodes and yes we do get a recap thing, but I will discuss that later on and finally if you're interested in watching this TV program just watch the intro it tells you everything you need to know.

The dMp [Demon Making Plant] vs. The Muscle League: Character [Character developments,] Storyline and Art; what we have here is a parody of wrestling in varying degrees, but before I continue I should cover my back by saying that this is an English interpretation of Anime/Manga so these characters names may have been changed like for an example Harabote Muscle is Vance McMadd and I don't know if we are going to meet his children, I have just put them in here to lay out the cards from the very beginning and I have researched some of this; but I digress a little bit more specific; the NWO [New World Order] vs. WCW [World Championship Wrestling] with the Lead Director of IFW [Intergalactic Wrestling Federation] Vance McMadd [Vince McMahon; when this was first being dictated he is the current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WWE; World Wrestling Entertainment and Vance McMadd has two children Ikemen Muscle [Shane McMahon and Jacqueline Muscle [Stephanie  McMahon.]

In short The dMp defeat The Muscle League, basically because The dMp are much younger than the veterans of The Muscle League, so it was decided that Kid Muscle son of the legendary King Muscle, would travel from his home planet of Planet Muscle to Earth to take on The dMp, but he won't be doing this on his own. But there is one massive problem he is only a bit like his father, yes he is his father son with his looks and mask on; it is a family tradition to wear a mask, similar to a Luchas wrestler's way of life, but how can I put this nicely he is hardly serious for most of the time, he is still at high school or their equivalent and a coward, don't get me wrong when push comes to shove he backs it up and briefly the 3-D effects of this mask going round and round in this light on this stone or something like that stand, before King Muscle puts it on Kid Muscle looks very good.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; it sets everything down and gives you a little taste of things to come, it just depends if you are into wrestling not, if you are this will suit you down to the ground or you are into Anime or Manga give it a go, but if not still give it a go but I am aware you may not like it or you may like it who knows.

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