Saturday 30 April 2022

The Lost City 2022 by AverageMansReviews

The Lost City 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/shooting/strangling/breaking/burning

Whilst we are here let's go on an adventure: Loretta Sage/character in her novels by the name of Dr. Angela Lovemore/Loretta in another novels; which I have forgotten the title of I apologise for that [Sandra Bullock] gets kidnapped by these henchmen of Abigail Fairfax [Daniel Radcliffe;] this eccentric billionaire that wants to discuss this piece in her latest novel The Lost City of D and based on this conversation he offers her this job opportunity, but she declines. But whatever answer she would have given, she is still going based on the grounds she has been kidnapped [it is better to go willingly than being kidnapped.]

But don't worry Alan Caprison/character name in Loretta Sage's novels/Dash McMahon/Alan in another novel; is on his way to rescue her, but the problem is he is nothing like his character persona, so he knows this contact Jack Trainer [Brad Pitt] that has the skill set to get the job done and finally we have Beth Hatten, Loretta's publicist [Da'Vine Joy Randolph] behind everyone else find get out there to see if she can find Loretta and Alan; there is an extra scene through the closing credits.

The pacing for this 112 minute film is solidly good, you know it knows what it wants to do and it gets on with it. But it really does help things when this film stops being really goofy, you will get a good feel for what I am talking about throughout the opening section; it's too goofy, when Jack Trainer is physically on-screen, I would say this is when things quickly become regular goofy as it relates to the comedy and all-round film as for an example we have Jack and Alan rescuing Lorett, Jack does a fantastic job stealthily achieving his objective, but Alan not so much or later on Loretta and Alan are discussing what just happened to these two henchmen/people on their motorbikes and if possible of them basically being okay as they have fallen off and down somewhere high up.

The character developments and the performances are all good; but I do like how they have done a role reversal for these adventure/action stereotypes as it relates to masculine [Loretta] and feminine role [Alan.] In fact Alan makes a reference to this; where if Loretta doesn't do what Abigail wants by without giving too much away going through this hole, he will shoot Alan.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; providing your minimum age is 13 [I know the certificate for this film is 12A, but if I say 13 I can't go wrong;] this is one of those films where you could sit down and watch it with the family on a streaming service or DVD or Blu-ray when they all become available.

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