Sunday 16 January 2022

The Ice Road 2021 by AverageMansReviews

The Ice Road 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/environmental/animal cruelty/dislocating/drowning/man on woman violence/medical/shooting/running over/strangulation/impaling

What can I say here?: This is one of the worst Liam Neeson films I have seen; the storyline is one of those disaster, on top of another disaster films which the storyline; these explosion miners are trapped after a cave in they work for Katka. But they need this equipment delivered from this place to Katka in the off-season, so that means this route is going to be even more dangerous these big rigs to make this delivery and on top of that because it is the off-season it is going to be difficult to find drivers to make this journey.

Jim Goldenrod [Laurence Fishburne] finds them so including himself he has Tantoo [Amber Midthunder,] Liam Neeson [Mike McCann] and  Gurty McCann [Marcus Thomas;] they are brothers Mike is Gurty's guardian, because he is a veteran of the Iraq War suffering from PTSD and aphasia.] So after assembling this foursome, we have one more individual Tom Varnay [Benjamin Walker;] he works for Katka International Insurance Group, he is just there to observe as they have paid for this rescue mission.

Because this film is so poor the pacing is far, so far not the biggest problem in the world, meaning it is harmless, you know it knows what it is doing and just get on with it. Don't get me wrong throughout at some point or points there are good scenery or a underwater sequence as it relates to a rig sinking. But other than that you have to wait until roughly around the final quarter of this film for there to be more positive components; be it any of these action sequences with good art to them as well for one example in no particular order these rigs doing this bumper cars like action sequence on these icy surroundings or we have a drop of comedy Mike McCann punching GM George Sickle [Matt McCoy] in the face [ when you come to this point in the film; you will understand the serious yet delivered with a drop of comedy.] The character developments and the performances serves the purpose.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; yes as I am addressed there are some positives to this film, but then again this film is that poor that it is a counterbalance to any positives that this film has.

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