Friday 14 January 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania I 31/03/1985 Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania I 31/03/1985 Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: Junkyard Dog vs. the Intercontinental Champion Greg "The Hammer” Valentine [with "The Mouth of The South" Jimmy Hart:] Singles Match for the Intercontinental Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 9/10

On Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Body” Venture 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 44/60 - this match is good

Comments: the match layout/match slot layout is one of those that is safe and reliable, meaning yes you can have slight variations of it; of someone coming down to the ring to point out either the injustice or another Referee comes down to the ring or something like that. But anyway you choose to do it; it does what it is designed to do by keeping both of these competitors looking strong either as Heel or Babyface and on top of that you get a crowd responds/participation.

Basic Result: Junkyard Dog picks up the W.

Background information: after this match; we have Monsoon and Venture taking a look/discussing the action replay and then Monsoon highlighting the Champions advantage in situations like this one, then he sends us back to Hayes; to introduce the next pre-recorded interviews/to build up the next match [back where we originally had them not in front of the WWF acronym] but whilst Hayes is doing this yet again we have "The Hollywood Fashion Plate" Freddie Blassie with his team of The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff with their big flags into and coming across the camera shot as Hayes is trying to read this autocue or whatever and to be honest this occasion looks genuine as in they are genuinely just coming through to get to the ring, but on the other hand and this is based on speculation mixed in with a little bit of fact this would be the third time that an act has at the very least tried to put off Hayes from doing his segment, but this time this one seems comical as I have already made reference to this tag team have big flags, so you can see them blocking Hayes vision momentarily with Hayes trying to remain professional without breaking on-screen character you can see him ever so slightly having to readjust, but then keeps it together. This is speculation again but I wonder if the locker room had a running joke, to just try and put off Hayes in some way, just because throughout this pay-per-view as I have made reference to he seems to be reading this autocue or something and I am just wondering if they had got fed up with his monotone segments, I should just point out these acts could have walked behind him, quietly through the camera shot like Steamboat does after his match and not in front of him into the camera shot, so as you can see this is speculation, but mixed in with observation.

Okerlund has an interview segment with The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff with "The Hollywood Fashion Plate" Freddie Blassie [Okerlund; has a slip of the tongue when he talks to Volkoff by calling him Comy-apologies if I have misspelt that, but quickly apologises and says, Comrade/this pay-per-view screening comes up; whilst Okerlund is still talking/moving on to Captain Lou Albano with his tag team the WWF Tag Team Champions The U.S. Express [Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo.] Then we this graphic of this match, you know the one that they have been using throughout this pay-per-view. Then we have Finkel doing his thing introducing these No1 Contenders with their manager, already receiving a hostile reception from this crowd, this foreign Heel tag team encourage it more by either doing their usual Heel stick it relates to Volkoff singing the national anthem of The Soviet Union [things being thrown into the ring] or/and The Sheik saying this on the Russia number one, Iran number one, USA [goes through this spitting motion.]

The WWF Tag Team Champions The U.S. Express [Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo with Captain Lou Albano] receiving police or/and security protection as they enter and go down to the ring with the entrance music playing, like when the Junkyard Dog made his entrance.

Like the Dog's the crowd are going crazy for this tag team and their manager with Monsoon highlighting this on commentary as well with "Madison Square Garden are on their feet."Finkel seems to be having technical problems with his microphone introducing the WWF Tag Team Champions and their manager, the microphone cuts out and back in again after Finkel does do a little something to it. This is just an excerpt; Monsoon makes a reference to this by saying "Formalities just out of the way with" 


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