Saturday 1 January 2022

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Day 1 2022 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Day 1 2022 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: I need really haven't been keeping up with this company, I know little bits and pieces and these matches may be in the wrong order and on a little bit of research [watching someone else's content;] that because of this company having another outbreak of COVID-19 in some cases these performers did not have this, but they were in contact with somebody or they did not have this/not in contact with anyone with it either, they were just protected/pulled from an live event, but either when this was first dictated [this piece] Monday 27/12/2021 everything is up in the air at the moment so when this gets released this week, it may still be wrong, but hopefully more right than wrong and one final thing I may as well tell you from the very beginning even though this is a new pay-per-view title there is so much about this pay-per-view I don't care for, before I have people shouting at me "They are doing their best in the current predicament they find themselves in." Which to a certain extent I will give you that, but however on the other hand this just looks like the same kind of garbage just with a different name on the pay-per-view. So before people ask me; "Okay what would you have them do then?" Well this is simple stop releasing your young and fresh talent and then you might get somewhere, I mean it isn't rocket science, the whole idea of NXT was to be a conveyor belt for the present or future talent to expose them to the WWE Universe so that when they hit the main rosters their audience in attendance or at home watching in some capacity could identify with these individuals so that they could be slotted into feuds, but things didn't or haven't turned out the way for a high percentage of them, considering NXT is now long dead to be replaced by a Phoenix with no wings so it may as well be a dodo rising from the ashes which yes I am very much aware the dodo has been long extinct that is my point, of what I have heard/watched other people's content NXT 2.0 is basically nothing like the golden era of NXT [minus the reality TV beginning years]

Kickoff show: Cesaro & Ricochet vs. Ridge Holland & Sheamus; Tag Team Match: my pick is Cesaro & Ricochet. Okay I am going to come out and say straightaway I know at least three out of these four fairly well and I will cut Holland some slack because he is new to me and so I will give him a chance. But forever more this match should not be on the kickoff show in the slightest in fact I would swap this match with the next one down in my order matches; I am fully aware they wouldn't do this but then again this is how much I am bored of the WWE Raw Tag teem Division and their current Champions; yes full disclosure I haven't seen any of their work as Champions or tag team. But if I had the choice between how to kick off this pay-per-view with a bounce I would most definitely swap is to matches around and slap a No1 Contenders for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships stipulation whatever happens with these two matches I see it as no lose situation.

Now full disclosure I did think about this [ I wasn't sure if it was in 2021] before someone brought it up on twitter, but man this individual was right basically. In my own words I find it incredibly sad at some point last year Cesaro was challenging for the WWE Universal Championship against Reigns and just look how quickly he has fallen.

The Street Profits [Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford] vs. Champs RK-Bro [Randy Orton & Riddle:] Tag Team Match for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships: my pick is RK-Bro [Randy Orton & Riddle.] Because simply put I don't care about this match.

Drew McIntyre vs. Madcap Moss [with Happy Corbin;] Singles Match: my pick is Madcap Moss. Yes I am very much aware this is going to need explaining, so here we go; I can see two narratives in play here from the WWE ancient playbook. The first one is where McIntyre picks up the W. but more importantly makes Moss looked good which I have just had a thought that in any other wrestling company this would be a good thing, but maybe this wouldn't be a good thing here, because if they start building up Moss; he may be on the next round of pay cuts or the second narrative I'm going for; which is Happy Corbin to interfere costing McIntyre the W.

Liv Morgan vs. Champ Becky Lynch; Singles match for the WWE Raw Women's Championship: my pick is Becky Lynch. I did hear some time ago and even if I didn't hear this that I am paraphrasing here this championship isn't going anywhere, I mean I could have guessed this for myself. Based on the grounds that the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania 38/2022 is coming up so I don't see her losing it until WrestleMania 38/2022 [yes this is a prediction for then; speculation on my part please not Ronda Rousey; I don't care if it is kayfabe or not, but briefly if she doesn't like wrestling or the wrestling business; just stay out of it then.]

Edge vs. The Miz [with Maryse;] Singles Match: my pick is Edge. Because; because it would seem logical, I mean yes Maryse will probably get involved [if this segment still goes ahead; after Edge spoils their renewing their vows on Monday 27/12/2021 on RAW; yes again this is speculation based on it hasn't happened yet when this was first being dictated and no I will not be watching it, but it seems like a 99.9% probability this will happen in this segment, because I have been around wrestling long enough to know these kind of segments end up being messy and making the Heel or Heels looking stupid consequently for looking and wanting revenge; additional on Tuesday 28/12/2021 I looked on the WWE website to see if this happened and based on the pictures I saw it did, so I told you so.] But I digress I see it backfiring and I really don't care about this match, this whole thing seems like a waste of time and a match slot on this card, so I am really hoping this is a one and done match feud on pay-per-view.

The New Day [Kofi Kingston & King Woods] vs. Champs The Usos [Jey & Jimmy Uso;] Tag Team Match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships:] my pick is The New Day [Kofi Kingston & King Woods.] They may want to try and spin the narratives that this result is foreshadowing the next results in the final two matches of this card [whomever loses their the member of the trio loses their main brand championship as well; but then again this may be too difficult storytelling for the WWE hierarchy to comprehend.] But I digress if this is not the case it would be a good inclusion to Woods new or newish gimmick change and consequently Kingston new supporting gimmick role to have these Championships. Yes absolutely this match has every potential to be their usual high standard and the match of the pay-per-view. But in the same token every time I see this match on a pay-per-view card regardless of the combination it always run the risk of every time it is used of running dry, now obviously this is not down to the performers themselves but once again down to the hierarchy and the releases.

Brock Lesnar vs. Champ Roman Reigns; Singles Match for the WWE Universal Championship: my pick is Brock Lesnar. Now it has to be said I have said at one point or another as it regards to these two competitors feuding for this Championship is a lose, lose situation either way it feels like the status quo either way and I am just hoping, I am really truly hoping that what I am about to say next is completely wrong or even if I am in the same ballpark I don't want to be. You see I have just had these series of bad ideas which I know Mr McMahon would go for; in short Reigns gets screwed by Paul Heyman here he rejoins Lesnar, Reigns told by Heyman to go to the back of the queue, Lesnar goes on his standard hiatus at some point [we don't want him to work too hard now,] a week before the Royal Rumble these three have a promo segment where Reigns announces he is entering the men's Royal Rumble Match; he wins that [if he enters you can take this as my prediction now;] so that WrestleMania 38/2022 Reigns vs. Champ Lesnar; in A Hell In A Cell Match with possibly the added stipulation of Heyman and the rest of The Bloodline The Usos; Jey & Jimmy Uso; being banned from ringside for this Championship.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Champ Big E.; Fatal Four-Way Match for the WWE Championship: my pick is Kevin Owens. The only reason I could give you for this; is it is an another ancient strategy out of the WWE playbook; to tempt someone to sign or stay with the company they may offer them a championship reign, but let's be honest this wouldn't be a bad feud to have going into this year's WrestleMania and make sure Rollins is the last Raw guy in the Royal Rumble so he has a genuine reason to be put in this match come what this pay-per-view so we have a triple threat for this championship and Lashley could have a feud with somebody that knocks him out of the Royal Rumble Match at WrestleMania 38/2022.


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