Sunday 5 December 2021

The Matrix 1999 by AverageMansReviews

The Matrix 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/breaking/burning/shooting/drugs/medical/birth/vomiting/stabbing/torture/explosion

Storyline/Character [Character developments,] Action, Art, Comedy and Performances: all these components combined in one way or another; we meet Thomas A. Anderson [Keanu Reeves] as he works by day for MetaCortex a software company, but by night as a computer hacker by the name of Neo, he is also looking for someone by the name of Morpheus [Laurence Fishburne] which will offer Mr Anderson a rebirthing into the real world which is in the year closer to 2199. But Agent Smith [Hugo Weaving] and his colleagues that are AI for The Matrix [they can assimilate subjects that are plugged into The Matrix; yes if they get damaged or worse they can just assimilate another subject, leaving the previous subject to deal with the damage or being dead, they can also teleport themselves into a nearby subject to wear they want to be or the subject to remain in the matrix; the Blue Pill or alternatively you can take the Red Pill which will unplugged you from The Matrix and be used as a tracker in what is now the real world, you can't be assimilated but  you can still be killed,] but I digress. are going to try and stop them from achieving their objective which basically in this film is to stop Mr Anderson/Neo from starting his journey to becoming the key; the very existence to a human being kind; the pacing is always moving with something happening, as this film is roughly 136 minutes long; it just needs to keep things going loose yet able to go through the gears to achieve what it means to achieve at that specific time.

Characters [Character developments;] these character types are solidly good; for example we have Morpheus as this sage character which believes that Mr Anderson/Neo is the one that the prophecy speaks of, yes there is another sage character in this film which Morpheus holds in the most highest regard and that would be the Oracle [Gloria Foster] in short she is a computer program and without her there would be no rebellion. But Morpheus has a more hands-on approach with bringing Mr Anderson/Neo into their world with combat sparring in martial arts; where they go head-to-head in this combat training programme [this is dojo with suitable attire to match] this sequence feels and looks; high octane action, highly creative, slick, clean and tidy or another training programme would be the jumping programme [generally speaking these programs are designed to get people to learn to unlearn what they have learnt and that anything you think can be done, can be done.] So next Mr Anderson/Neo has to do is jump from building top to building top Morpheus goes first to show him how it is done, everything goes as well is it should do. We even have Morpheus' crew on his ship [the Nebuchadnezzar] watching this training; there are a few of them saying No one makes their first jump" and even with Mr Anderson/Neo saying " clear mind" he takes a running jump off the top of this building and have equivalent of Wile E. Coyote moment as he doesn't make it across and goes straight down with this concrete; having this mattress effect on it once and then it goes back to the standard concrete effect; this is a one element of good comedy which this film does have a very small number of comedy moments.

Performances; this is a cast performance they all bring it to the table; so it doesn't matter about the size of the role as long as they say something of substance in the film that is bringing something to the table.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; this is one of those films that you need to see once in your lifetime, even more so now that there is a fourth instalment coming out The Matrix Resurrections 2021 and this film has 51 Awards credited to its name 42 Winners including; Oscars; Academy Awards, USA 2000; Best Film Editing; Zach Staenberg, Best Sound: John T. Reitz, Gregg Rudloff, David E. Campbell & David Lee. Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing: Dane A. Davis. Best Effects, Visual Effects: John Gaeta, Janek Sirrs, Steve Courtley & Jon Thum.


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