Monday 6 December 2021

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 116: Ninja Quest: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 116: Ninja Quest: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing/colourful/other effects/transformation/graphic explosions

Bulk & Skull joining the Angel Grove Junior Police Patrol: Comedy and Character [Character developments;] these combine here; after overhearing some women talk about The Power Rangers, more systematically the guy Power Rangers, because they like men in uniform, in short after seeing this sign for [basic description; ] "Junior Police Patrol Wanted Joining Today" Bulk says to Skull " I have just got an idea follow my lead" with that Skull says "Ahh okay." Bulk: " Excuse me Hu... please can I have your attention, please?" With getting no response from anybody Skull stands up and says Hey! Banging on his milkshake with this spoon [like when the speeches at a wedding meal are about to begin to get everyone's attention,] but however Skulll bangs way too hard on the side of this milkshake container and because there is lots of this drink left a large amount of it goes on his T-shirt and jacket [Bulk giving off the impression " I don't believe he has just done that" mixed with " something like this is an everyday occurrence so I may as well just carry on as normal"; with Skull shouting " Quiet!" When that doesn't work Skull puts his drink down and does a two finger whistle with "Bulkie has something to say.”  Where in a nutshell he announces that Skull and himself will be joining the Angel Grove Junior Police Patrol. Where are making this announcement we see this reaction from everyone of stunned open-mouth and frozen in time.

Fantastic battle to the last: Action and Art these two components combined; we have the Thunder Megazord and the Tigerzord Warrior Mode taking on this newcomer [just to remind you because I have spoken about some character developments already in this blog I can't talk about it here again that is how these types of blogs work, but this individual is going to be around for a while so we have time to cover this character.] Before or after this evildoer has the upper hand with surprise waiting  for The Powers Rangers and their Zords; this entire section is amazing combat with or without power is being used the camera work keeps us close up to the action going around on the outside or close up within the pilot/control centre of these Zords or other prospectives; I don't want to give too much away but it is all fantastic nonetheless.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; it has lots to offer its viewers, we will just have to wait and see what happens in the second part of this four parter.



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