Wednesday 15 December 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania I 31/03/1985 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania I 31/03/1985 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulation:  "King Kong" Bundy [with "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart]vs. S.D " Special Delivery" Jones: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Body” Venture 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 42/60 - this match is good.

Comments: this match is literally a squash match, it goes on for 25 seconds, I wouldn't listen to anyone on this pay-per-view when they say it is 9 seconds, because I looked well on the result of this match and it was timed at 25 seconds and yes just to make sure I timed it myself, but in the interest of fairness and balance they are/were trying to build up Bundy, but this is absolutely unnecessary considering of my next paragraph, he does this absolutely flawlessly on his own anyway or there is a possibility; we know how much the WWF/WWE like to make their figures in one way or another sound better than what they actually are, But in this case I am sure it was done with the best intentions to make Bundy look great, but as I have already made reference to it this was absolutely unnecessary.

The only reason or reasons that this match is or receives positive marks in total is, because when or if you come to watch this match it well and truly puts over Bundy as this beast of a man, as he literally squashes Jones not once but twice in one way or another so as I have previously made reference to this; he puts himself over with ease and comfort.

Basic Result: I know I have told you the result already, but I still have to do the admin; "King Kong" Bundy picks up the W. here.

Background information: after this match; Monsoon and Venture take a look at the replay; then Monsoon hands things over to Okerlund interview with firstly Borne and separately but secondly Steamboat about their match against one another coming up next, then we go back to Venture and Monsoon they talk about that; then we get on screen World Wrestling Federation insert name vs. insert name and Finkel does the introductions.

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