Thursday 16 December 2021

Eternals 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Eternals 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/cutting/transformation/suicide

Storyline/Character [Character developments,] Art, Action Comedy and Performances: all these components combined in one way or another; now unfortunately straight off the bat this film title has a problem it uses words coming up the screen without voice over so it could potentially put your viewing audience which have reading or learning difficulties such as being dyslexic as I am; on the back foot if they don't have someone to read most of it to them which I did [so this was not a great start.] We begin in outer space watching the Eternals' ship [The Domo] going past our Sun heading to Earth; their leader is Ajak [Salma Hayek] chosen by Arishem [voiced by David Kaye] to exterminate this species known as  Deviants; the returning Deviants their leader is Kro [voiced by Bill Skarsgård.]

This would be the first time where the viewers get informed on screen where we are so in this case it would be 5000 BC Mesopotamia [all in capitals.] We move on to a colossal problem and that would be the movement of this film, meaning; this project uses the method/format of going backward and forward in time for a good chunk of this film and because it has been done to a very poor standard; it just feels too lose, very sloppy, consequently on one end it is catastrophically detrimental to this project in its entirety. Don't get me wrong I get its purpose and that is to develop the character developments, so because of this; it can feel like a mixture between where are we? Or too much information, if there are watchers of the Marvel's Inhumans live-action TV program 2017 at the beginning of this film you get the feeling of déjà vu here with their appearance/battle costumes [when they make themselves known in 5000 BC Mesopotamia] and characteristics, on-screen chemistry, but in fairness and balance this quickly wears off; if you get the same feeling of déjà vu, in hindsight this is just based on first impressions and not forgetting this project is not a short project either; it roughly goes on for 157 minutes; in short basically likewise if there are any fans of DC's Arrow live-action TV program 2012-2020 out there in Internet land? You know or have experienced how things should be done by using this method/format to a standard bearer of the most highest quality. But luckily when this project stops using this method and just works in the present and allows things to settle down; it does have movement and momentum going forward with at one point discussing/showing some what I can only describe as mind blowing character developments and I can't say much more than that, because that would be giving too much of the film away and one final thing about the storyline this is just a friendly heads up; there are two ending credit scenes.

Now minus my little criticism of my first impressions of the art in this project including the appearance/battle costumes this project is a treat for the eyes as there is so much to visually see as it shows an masterful representation of the Eternals and others way of life and purpose.

Moving on we have Sersi [Gemma Chan] changing this quickly falling upside down vehicle before it hits Ikaris [Richard Madden] which he very quickly moved out of the way anyway into possibly thousands upon thousands of little red bits of paper where this vehicle driver emerges from underneath with Sirsi apologising to him or Kingo [Kumail Nanjiani] trying to shoot content for his documentary about the Eternals as he is an Eternal, but in his alter ego he is a famous Bollywood film star throughout many upon many lifetimes under different names as at one point in this film he will show the dynastie he has built throughout his family tree that it is just different versions of him. He has this very loyal right-hand man Karun [Harish Patel] which he is the one trying to get the footage even when things get messy  Kingo between a Deviant; Kingo asks in short if he got the footage which Karun [not on-screen] says I've got it.

The performances; they are generally speaking good; the more you get away from the beginning of the film, apologies for repeating myself but when this film moves forward and doesn't do these back and forth sequences and then as I have already said allows this film to settle down and then it can start building on a positive foundation to work from, not only in this film but I am also looking at the bigger picture of projects in the future.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; but of what I know about the MCU which full disclosure I didn't know anything about these characters or this project and I have not watched many of the recent MCU projects, I mean the latest Marvel title but not in the MCU I have watched is The New Mutants 2020 Link if you're interested. But I digress after the passing of the Godfather of Marvel Stan Lee on 12/11/2018, it just didn't feel right or comfortable, don't get me wrong I didn't know him personally, but it was always wonderful to see him on screen in any capacity be it animated or cameo and not forgetting we have this ongoing global pandemic on top of that as well, so hence why I am a bit out of the loop at the moment.

When this review was first dictated this film has been nominated for 4 Awards; for an example; The Queerties 2021; Nominee Queerty; Next Big Thing. Which I can see why because whatever the next project the Eternals are going to be involved in; they could/can bring a lot to the table, but only if they really built on this project and my mark of this review, because without giving myself a big head; this mark would suggest this film is good and it sits down the background work, but hopefully in the next film and they have really moved things on and developed things, so hopefully in this sequel or connecting project I can give a higher mark, because these characters and film titles could be lots of fun.

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