Wednesday 24 November 2021

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 115: A Friend in Need: Part III by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 115: A Friend in Need: Part III by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/environment/transformation

“Starve a flu feed a cold”: Storyline, Action, Character [Character developments] and Blooper; these four components combined here; meanwhile on Earth Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger is doing battle with one of Finster's created monsters [Rito Revolto] he quickly develops symptoms of Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger's illness. The Blooper is; Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger says [this is just an exert] "Maybe you have caught my flu?" Granted as you may have a illness of the cold variety, but no way does she have the flu or give enough of an indication she had the flu, because at no point does she indicate any form of achy pains or feeling or looking like she had been hit by a bus [full disclosure I have never had the flu, but everyone who has says "You know when you have." or something to that effect, but all Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger does is these little sneezes which really doesn't sell she has or had the flu; cold yes flu no and yes Kimberly/The Pink Power Ranger uses this expression “Starve a flu feed a cold” at the end of this action scene.

This episode receives: 6/10, this episode is good; it is a solidly good episode.


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