Friday 19 November 2021

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 114: A Friend in Need: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 114: A Friend in Need: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/environment/transformation

Advertising Prince Dax/The Mask Rider: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action and Comedy these components all combined in one way or another; Prince Dax/The Mask Rider tells our Earth 5 Power Rangers the situation on Edenoi and then separately how he came to be The Mask Rider by the usage of this crystal on his forehead better known as a Mind Crystal [to one another and into images in a square.] Then later on we have The Five Earth Power Rangers and Prince Dex/The Mask Rider taking on these ground forces of Count Dregon [Cogwarts, Plague Sentry and Plague Patrol] and at points we have The Power Rangers saying one-liners as they are putting foot to posterior; for an example; this Plague Sentry charges towards Tommy/The White Power Ranger on horseback with a staff like weapon saying " Your going to pay for your meddling, earthling." With Tommy/The White Power Ranger running towards this individual he says "Ha! I think you should come off your high horse! With that he performs a jumping/flying side kick which hit this Plague Sentry in the chest and off his horse, but after taking this hit he is able to adjust and land on his feet to continue this battle.

This episode receives: 6/10, this episode is good; it does what it is designed to do which is to continue this ongoing saga and to clearly advertise Prince Dax/The Mask Rider in as I have previously mentioned in the previous blog his up-and-coming self titled TV program Masked Rider 1995-1996 1 Season [40 Episodes] and don't worry I will not bring this up for a third episode in a row, because I will be concentrating on Earth in the final episode of this trilogy.


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