Saturday 23 October 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW: Hog Wild 10/08/1996 Match 6/Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW: Hog Wild 10/08/1996 Match 6/Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Disclaimers: now just to cover my back; I'm not going to discuss the historic situation better known as "The Plane Ride from Hell" as it relates to Ric Flair here and I am not a professional wrestler and never likely to be either.

Background information: in a nutshell after this match; Schiavone hands things over to "Mean" Gene Okerlund he makes reference to the 56th of this gigantic rally over these scenes of it, then we have this interview segment with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Dungeon of Doom's [The Giant with Jimmy Hart,]about tonight's match against the N.W.O's "Mr. Hollywood" Hulk Hogan. Okerlund hands things to David Penzer [Ring announcer] and our next match/Schiavone with this little graphic on the screen; Grudge Tag Team Match in this silver circle [purely speculation this is maybe meant to symbolise a hubcap;] these words are in different fonts in one way or another of black or silver text coming down the screen and to the right at the bottom

Match/Stipulations: Eddie Guerrero vs. [The New Four Horsemen's the WCW United States Heavyweight Champion "The Nature Boy" Rick Flair with Woman & Miss Elizabeth:] Singles Match for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 42/60 - this match is good.

Comments: this match is solidly good, To begin with we have a little bit of pantomime between Flair, Guerrero, the Referee [Randy Anderson,] Miss Elizabeth and Woman. Because things aren't going away Flair wants them to go. Flair Pushes Anderson to escape from Guerrero Pushes And push down, Flair starts on Anderson pushing him as Flair is getting up off the canvas, we roughly end up at the top right corner, pushes on the chest so Anderson doesn't back and then it happened again [this is speculation that having a educated guess Anderson is seemingly telling him something to the effect of " I am the referee you will respect me.]Flair and Guerrero Continue with this hard back and forth with shoves and hard slaps until Flair falls down on his posterior and quickly escapes under the bottom rope with Guerrero trying to grab at him as he exits the ring, flair goes to take a little break with Elizabeth with women screaming at Anderson and at Guerrero at some point.

There is this botch, which when you think looks small, but it is one of those small ones where even performer can't protect themselves due to contact on contact. It is early on in this match where Guerrero reverses Flair's headlock suplex. Guerrero tries to go from his back to his front when Flair lifts him and something goes wrong it collapses Flair takes Guerrero's legs on his arm and Guerrero takes the impact as well. Flair falling to the campus in pain and Guerrero rolling out of the ring on the opposite side, clearly in some discomfort with the commentary team in short highlighting this sequence of events with Dream: [this is an excerpt] "Flair went to pick him up and Eddie Guerrero come and rolled off him, I think he hurt his ankle a bit. I know what an excerpt means, but just the cover my back again Dream does say more here [I was thinking I would just put this here, just in case someone was thinking I was hiding something from you; hence the usage of an excerpt.]

Moving on I think a member of the crowd was trying to be a comedian by shouting out Booooring! You are roughly looking/hearing out when Flair goes to collect himself in his corner outside of the ring for the second time with Woman it is roughly around here somewhere and can I just say this individual is just being a posterior, because even after this botch these two competitors/performers are still putting on a positive match, even after this very short chant, they have one more botch/blooper to overcome which this one is/was completely out of their control and I have no idea what went wrong here, but let's just put it this way; it looks like someone forgot to pay the electricity bill as some of these lights go out for a little while, they are still wrestling one another.

Basic Result: [The New Four Horsemen's the WCW United States Heavyweight Champion "The Nature Boy" Rick Flair with Woman & Miss Elizabeth] Retains his WCW United States Heavyweight Championship.

RIP Eduardo "Eddie Guerrero" Llanes 09/10/1967-13/11/2005. Simply put he may be gone but he will never ever, ever be forgotten; for making an earth shattering Frog Splash on to the wrestling world



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