Monday 25 October 2021

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 104: The Secret of Grayskull by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 104: The Secret of Grayskull by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there flashing effects/other effects/transformation

The Sorceress shows a little bit of her and Castle Greyskull's power: Characters [Character developments,] Action, Comedy and Art combined. Now to take care of Skeletor and his disciples Trap Jaw, Kobra Khan and Clawful as they are inside Castle Greyskull. The Sorceress [takes this stance with her arms up in the air and apart with legs together] calls upon "Castle Greyskull hear my command expel these villains from your walls." With that The Sorceress has this white energy power around her with Kobra Khan: "Skeletor we must flee." Skeletor:" [standing behind Kobra Khan giving him a slight push forward with Clawful on the far side and Trap Jaw closest to the camera and slightly out of the camera shot with these three very much looking terrified] nonsense my magic will fix The Sorceress [with a statue coming to life high up perched on this area with claws coming out of its feet; in front and to the left of them; it is different shades of brown, it has long ears, it has these red eyes and roars;] excellent imagination. [Skeletor pulling Kobra Khan back to protecting himself and giving off he is now frightened as well] fleeing sounds like a terrific idea."

The Sorceress: "Let me give you a help along Skeletor." [These power balls come out of her headdress; Skeletor and his forces/disciples flee [with sound effect to match] in different directions in hope to escape Castle Greyskull,] but they may experience some surprises before The Sorceress creates this sphere cage around them [made of ground] and they go on a little journey with a crash landing outside. Skeletor lands in a seating position over this tree branch on the tree with him having this argument between him and his disciples; basically Skeletor refuses to take responsibility for the failure.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good: there is excellent imagination as Castle Greyskull speaks, inside this location and other sections of this episode have great imagination Action and Art. But generally speaking this is an Orko orientated episode and I have said this for a while or something to this effect in a nutshell "I get his purpose in this TV program but I am still not a big fan of him and I should just point out this has been ever since I was a young child and so we are going back decades."

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