Monday 20 September 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW: Hog Wild 10/08/1996 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW: Hog Wild 10/08/1996 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Disclaimer: I have never been or are likely to be a professional wrestler.

Background information: after this match; in a nutshell Schiavone  promotes you can talk to the WCW stars CompuServe [Internet] and the Steiner Bros [Scott and Rick Steiner; I have put their names in seating order - we see them in this little hut on these laptops messing around on them; with comments from Heenan them in this situation.]

Match/Stipulation: Bull Nakano [with Sonny Onoo] vs. Medusa: Battle of the Bikes [the winner of this match gets to take a sledgehammer to their opponent’s motorcycle.]

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 6/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 43/60 - this match is good

Comments: this match was good, the crowd were into it, okay they used the old-fashioned foreigners Heel heat routine; Bull Nakano [with Sonny Onoo] from Japan including a Honda a motorcycle made in Japan with likewise Medusa Babyface American, interests in motorcycles, driving a Harley Davidson made in the United States of America, but it worked. On a quick side note and yes speculation mixed in with observation. I don't think Nakano had/has a motorcycle license or possibly a US one, just based on the fact that Onoo drove her motorcycle, whilst she is walking to the ring behind him. Yes indeed this match/stipulation is to fit in with this pay-per-view theme of Motorcycles/Sturges Motorcycle Rally. Generally speaking this match is good wrestling.

But now on to the slight botch; there is a hurricanrana with pinning combination being performed by Medusa that it looks like she gets too much rotation on it and the pinning combination slightly/noticeably collapses.

The pinning; confusion about the pin; [this is just an exert, because there is a lot from beginning to end of this situation' so we start here;] Schiavone: "You think - I don't know if we can back in our video truck if we can take a look, how that match ended again I thought Medusa got her shoulder up. [Rhodes;"Yeah."] Schiavone continues; "I'm being told we cannot." With Rhodes: "Yeah, yeah you both did." Schiavone: " apparently Medusa did but Bull Nakano did not Rhodes: Medusa got her shoulders up Bull Nakano did--the bottom line. Medusa is the winner, then a bashing on the bike ride here and a trashing on the bike." But I should point out as it relates to watching replays; remember it was perfectly fine in our first match; The Ultimate Dragon [with Sonny Onoo] vs. the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion Rey Misterio, Jr.: Singles Match for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship; Heenan recalling the closing stages of this match over a replay[ yes I replayed this many times myself, somehow I got it wrong the first five or six times, I don’t know how because watching it again it is so clear what happens can’t believe it took me that long over two days  to see what happens, but as long as I got it all right in the end, that is all what matters.

Whilst they are discussing this; Medusa is taking a sledgehammer to this motorcycle. I'm not criticising here, but she is giving it everything With this sledgehammer, but things are not going according to plan, this Honda seems to be well built; it is a good commercial/advertisement for Honda as in " Honda; we build motorcycles that can withstand sledgehammers." I mean they could have behind the scenes before this match told her  We have set a weak point here, we have decided so that Onoo can still drive it on a short trip to the ringside area, but if you aim the sledgehammer here it will be fine." I just want to clarify I'm not saying anything to the effect of " she is weak or a vulnerable woman, in fact I would be saying exactly the same if she was a man." But I am saying in fairness and balance they most definitely left her high and dry here." Likewise from the previous match this match went on for a roughly over five minutes, but to leave this match/match slot I really can't praise the crowd participation throughout this; they were behind it from beginning to end.

Basic Result: I know I have already told you the result, but I am a stickler for admin, so Medusa picks up the W. here


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