Tuesday 21 September 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 28: Survived Much Worse by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 28: Survived Much Worse by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/under face/stabbing

Ryan Wilder or Ryan Wilder/Batwoman gets a hard reboot: we have Storyline, Characters [Character developments] Action and Art: these all combined in one way or another. Storyline and Characters [Character developments;]  so this is a strange episode, because at the beginning it continues from the previous episode, the viewers get the standard things from Wilder or Wilder/Batwoman. It takes her literally jumping out of this cargo plane to slowly going through more of this personality metamorphosis; there is more depth shown in this one episode then all the previous episodes in this season.

The Action and Art; Ryan Wilder/Batwoman jumps out of this cargo plane, with the appropriate gear on, control freefalls, her visor comes down over her eyes, instantly sending the schematics of Coryana Which has got this high-tech satellite system in place so it cannot be detected or usually not detected to the Batcave; Fox [which they are communicating over coms] and Hamilton [under the instructions of Fox dropping some EMPs [Electromagnetic Pulses, everyone that lives on this island uses these wrist things so they are not also detected; so Wilder/Batwoman can go when and get Colonet Jacob Kane,Kate Kane and Agent More,] whilst pull her parachute cord the only thing that looks very poor about this sequence is when Wilder/Batwoman makes her exit/jumps from this cargo plane. This is nothing on her in the slightest, I am just talking about the green screen effects here; it just looks very poor as in from the perspective of it takes you out of the moment as you can clearly pick up on the green screen and then she lands safely and unhooks her parachute and oxygen apparatus.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lots of fun; yes so far I have been heavily negative about this Second Season, but however if you have been with me long enough you should know or should know by now that I am reasonable, fair and balanced, so as they have given their lead character a hard reboot here, if I was them I really wouldn't waste this opportunity and for here and now yes this episode gets better and better all the way around with many different things happening, so it is very deserving of receiving full marks here.

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