Monday 27 September 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 31: Arrive Alive by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 31: Arrive Alive by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/drugs/stabbing

Alice has a unscheduled session with Dr. Evelyn Rhyme/Enigma: we have Comedy, Action, Character [Character developments] and Art combining at one point or another: so we begin with Alice looking for any information in Dr. Evelyn Rhyme/Enigma's Office/Therapy Room, we meet a new client of Dr. Rhyme's his name is Jackson as he walks in; he thinks she is Dr. Rhyme; so in short Alice just goes with that as she goes from looking for information in Dr. Evelyn Rhyme/Enigma's Office/Therapy Room to impersonating Dr. Rhyme, but with Alice still being Alice.

But that is until Dr. Evelyn Rhyme/Enigma walks in to her Office/Therapy Room and says " I am so sorry I am running late, what is going on here?" With Alice instantly taken care of Jackson. Alice:"Mmm. Lost cause I have saved you the headache Enigma."

Character [Character developments] and Art; Alice wants Dr. Evelyn Rhyme/Enigma to erase components of her memory which will drastically change her as a person. The viewers see inside Alice's head as she confronts individually or together her twin sister [young Kate Kane] or Beth Kane/Alice's only love interest [Ocean.] For an example the viewers get to see inside Alice's head/it is like a Quantum Leap [1989-1993 TV reference,  where Alice goes inside her head and on getting their she is in this moving car with this young Kate Kane taking this Polaroid picture as they are talking about things; young Kate Kane hands her sister this picture which shows Alice as the younger Beth Kane with her twin sister smiling and being happy.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lots of fun: there is so much happening in this episode


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