Friday 24 September 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 30: Time Off for Good Behavior by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 30: Time Off for Good Behavior by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/drugs/medical/shooting

Colonet Jacob Kane: Storyline, Character [Character developments] these two line components combined; I mean minus what we already know about him; he has been neglected as an individual character, but that is until now we have some real in-depth character development out of this character; when every he discusses things with Dr. Evelyn Rhyme/Enigma.

Dana Dewitt reporter and her crew for Gotham 8 News: Comedy and Action; momentarily combining here; this news channel shows up just about the right time to capture Wilder/Batwoman putting foot to posterior as she is systematically taking down another manufacturer and distribution site of the highly addictive drug known as SnakeBite ran by The False Face Society and its leader Outerbridge/Black Mask.The comedy is where Dewitt is reporting on this event; this is just an excerpt "This is reporting live on the scene with breaking news [background sound effect The False Face Society's henchmen falling and coming into camera shot and landing hard on their van [camera shot of this TV episode has a close-up of this henchmen] and then we quickly go back to Dewitt looking surprised, looking down the camera mixed with instantaneously keeping it together and being professional and comical at the same time she continues "And breaking bones as Batwoman has taken the fight to The False Face Society."

This episode receives: 7/10: this episode is good; it is good to see and experience this Second Season stabilise on a positive level, I am just hoping they can keep it going for as long as possible.

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