Friday 3 September 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 24: Fair Skin, Blue Eyes by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 24: Fair Skin, Blue Eyes by AverageMansReviews

 Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/drugs/kidnapping/flesh wound

Could someone just put Ryan Wilder or Ryan Wilder/Batwoman out of her misery?: The Storyline and Characters [Character developments] combined at one point or another in this episode. They serve their purpose, but they are likewise generic and not forgetting make another reference to the difference between African Americans and Caucasians in a nutshell; in this case as it relates to more effort and time into Caucasian children being searched for after being kidnapped.

Alice is now a comical genius: Comedy; you are looking/hearing out for anything as it relates to food or drink; these are so funny and naturally timed.

Wilder/Batwoman users her grappling hook gun: be it to quickly take care of this Long/Candy Lady's henchman or to make a quick getaway; these Action elements are good.

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed; on one hand well as far as I'm concerned they are just burying Ryan Wilder or Ryan Wilder/Batwoman including her surrounding characters/performers with social political box ticking. Whilst on the other hand and I am not complaining about this; everything or everyone surrounding Alice is just on a completely different epic level of brilliance, where I refer back to could someone just put Ryan Wilder or Ryan Wilder/Batwoman out of her misery? Because it is slowly becoming just sad that this character/performer and other characters/performers are just becoming a massive inconvenience on her own self titled DC TV program [I know they cannot do this for obvious reasons, but my point is still very much valid] and the episode time would be better served focused on whatever and with whomever Beth Kane/Alice is with. I can't tell you too much more, because I have already discussed between 3 to 5 things about one episode and I had to spend more time on our main character/performer; this time around at the very least.

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