Wednesday 18 August 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW Bash at the Beach 16/07/1995 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW Bash at the Beach 16/07/1995 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is a component of domestic abuse in this match/match slot.

Match/Stipulation: "The 13,000,000 Man" Diamond Dallas Page [with Diamond Doll and Max Muscle vs. David Sullivan [with Ralph the Rabbit:] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 5/10

Match Storyline: 5/10

Crowd Participation: 5/10

On Commentary: Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 4/10

Recommend Watch: 4/10

Match Total: 29/60 - this match is mixed

Comments: the Match Total of 29/60 is a fair reflection of this match/match slot, likewise in the previous match The Dungeon of Doom's ["The Ugandan Warrior" Kamala with The Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan] vs. Standing Proud for The Red, White and Blue "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan: Singles Match. This match follows an old formula of a match/match slot, but where the previous match is a very pink by numbers and has been round since the birth of the wrestling industry and is a match layout which you could still use without too much difficulty, basically the match outlay in the previous match is something safe and reliable for amateur wrestling or a beginner's match outlay for young wrestlers to learn or you are having to put a match together with very little notice or something like that.

But as it relates to this match and character developments and feud right here it does what it is designed to do which is get more Heel Heat [cheap Heat but still Heat nonetheless for mainly Page and a little for Muscle] and it wasn't acceptable back then, so in 2021 [when this blog was first dictated] it hasn't aged at all that well in the slightest. The only reason I have rated it as high as I have, is because it simply does what it is designed to do. Where is Ralph the Rabbit? The ring announcer [David Penzer] announces him, but he is nowhere to be seen and Heenan even enquiries after this match/match slot just at the very end of it; "Where's the Rabbit?" The only logical/purely speculation on my part is Sullivan unrobes and  dashes to the ring in one movement for a quick attack on Page to get this match going, so maybe someone had forgotten to tell Penzer there was a change of plans and just for the record after a little bit of research; looking at pictures Ralph the Rabbit was indeed a bunny rabbit [which fits in with Sullivan's physically big and strong in the model of Lennie Small; from Of Mice and Men persona/gimmick and in this feud at this time.

Basic Result: "The 13,000,000 Man" Diamond Dallas Page [with Diamond Doll and Max Muscle

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